the confusion seems to be the unclear difference between a) list-of-points and list-of-faces versus b) list-of-points(pointindexes)-of-each-face
but it is funny how someone write text and obviously never checked if that would work - it is not for making a thesis about how you think it could work
a is not ordered, b is strictly ordered
»the point sequence for a face needs to be clockwise so the resulting normal vector is pointing outwards«
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I tried to explain it a bit more, but I'm not sure if it's now clear
maybe "clockwise" already is confusing as you can see this from the back
.. well i mean we have pictures - Ü
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by now I reverted twice and tried to explain better, lets see if we get a 3nd round :)
ahem 3rd
* teepee
goes checking on the cold brew...
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teepee: I had to check the edit history to see the brewing confusion. :) But yeah, it's a notch better now after addressing that editor's confusion.
That's a confusing enough section that one should probably not be editing it to try to remove perceived contradictions until actually understanding the underlying requirement the hard way.
I made a number of edits to that section in the past. It has gone through a lot of evolution already.
I do notice that the word "arbitrary" was inserted initially by me, but within the list of each face was the intended meaning.
I think there was no logical ambiguity in "arbitrary which point you start with".
The "start with" carries a lot of weight. But I guess someone's brain latched onto "arbitrary" and didn't contextualize it, so pre-contexting it as you did is a bit better.
I was trying to avoid saying "periodic ordering" because this is not commonly understood jargon.
J24k80: And I never much liked the clockwise description there, which is why I added the right-hand rule which I think is easier to keep straight and work with. But I left the clockwise description because both are correct, and it doesn't hurt to have two equivalent descriptions for people to choose between. Someone confused by one phrasing can lean on the other, or can keep mentally poking at it
until both descriptions give them the same understanding, and then have confidence they got it.
Oh good grief. We still have a left hand rule in there in a different section from before I added the right hand rule. lol
Now THAT probably should not be there.
One does not need a right hand rule thumb in, and a left hand rule thumb out, even if these are equivalent.
There is an argument that this helps all the one handed people, but... I'm not sure if most other people are ready for these two alternate descriptions.
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Hello everyone, I hope I came to the right place and that we can talk about OpenSCAD here. I have a question for you: which version of Qt is best to use for compiling OpenSCAD? If I'm not using this chat correctly, please let me know, as it's my first time using IRC.
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Tom85: qt5 still works fine, but I think qt6 has been relatively recently supported.
I haven't personally tested qt6 yet.
Thank you for the information
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InPhase .. we can intruduce the "Screw rule" if points are used like a screw rotates the direction the screw moves is the normal which need to point outwards
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so order the points as you would screw into that face
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I have another question for you. I am writing a 3D application in which I need to have the ability to build/define 3D shapes. I really like the possibility of integrating OpenSCAD for this. Generally, I envision it like this: in my application, I have a SCAD code editor where the user writes code, then the code generates 3D shapes and displays them
in the application. However, I've encountered a few problems. Firstly, OpenSCAD cannot be compiled as a library, but that doesn't seem to be an issue. OpenSCAD can be run without a GUI and can generate shapes. The problem is that the compilation in OpenSCAD sometimes takes quite a long time. Before the actual shape is rendered, I would like to have
the possibility of displaying a "preview" of the shape. However, from what I see in the OpenSCAD CLI, there is no option to get a preview? I don't mean a preview as a .png image, but the shape that appears in the OpenSCAD rendering window after pressing the preview button.
if you mean "export a preview" then yes, that's technically not possible
I mean, of course, the shape as an .stl or .obj file that the program generates as a 'preview' of the final rendering.
well, strictly speaking it might be possible to export the low level data structure for preview so another application can render that itself
*that* is actually impossible
the whole point of preview is, there is no mesh representation available
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I'm not sure if I understand correctly, so there isn't a mesh per se, but there are some vertex data since the application can render a preview, and that data could be exported?
if you preview a difference of a cube and a sphere, there is only the meshes for a cube and the sphere
there is no mesh that describes the actual difference of the two
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preview is clever display to make it look like the difference happened without actually calculating the vertices
Okay, I understand. So there must be some clever technique used there to give the impression that the shape is cut out. Well, that's interesting.
Okay, tell me, does this have anything to do with those two classes, CGALRenderer.h and OpenCSGRenderer.h? Is the rendering context somehow switched here depending on whether it's for the actual rendering or the preview?
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