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<sidilakies> Now will I be able to create my own library and import my modules ?
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<DrGameRetired> Hello, fellow coders
<DrGameRetired> I am writing an OpenSCAD script to display a snowflake using  text: text("\u2744",size=45,font = "Tahoma"); It does not generate the snowflake.  Is there a limit to the Unicodes I can use in this command?
<DrGameRetired> ❆ is one of the characters I am trying to generate.
<DrGameRetired> Other characters generate without mishap. Notably, the examples in the User Manual.
<J24k88> sidilakies sure libraries are just scad scripts
<J24k88> DrGameRetired the question is if the font has that character - same with emoji
<J24k88> i get that snowflake with font "symbola"
<J24k88> Deja vu sans should have it too
<J24k88> DrGameRetired seems most fonts don't have this encoded
<J24k88> hm ok that is strange other program can display this with other fonts
<J24k88> that is chr(10054)  but why is this not working in scad for most fonts? looks like a bug, maybe open a ticket
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<J24k88> teepee any idea why the editor show those symbols with more or less any font - but the `text(chr(10054));` is not
<J24k88> the only font working seems to be "deja vu sans"
<RonRN18> I have a 2D SVG graphic, a logo, and wish to create an imprint in a surface. I have looked for guides and followed some but not having any luck. It has been several days since I tried this last, so I don't recall exactly what the errors were. My model has a flat top surface and I wish to have the logo drop down about 2mm from this surface. Can some
<RonRN18> one point me in the right directions as to how to add such a logo as a negative from the top surface?
<J24k88> RonRN18 first make sure you can `linear_extrude(2)import("file.svg");`
<J24k88> if your svg is not a path (points) it will not work
<J24k88> cheatsheet! is your friend
<J24k88> cheatsheet!
<othx> cheatsheet is https://www.openscad.org/cheatsheet/ for the release version and https://www.openscad.org/cheatsheet/snapshot.html for the development snapshot versions
<J24k88> difference is the operation to remove 3D objects from another (everything is removed from the first children()/object)
<J24k88> but both need to be 3D (or 2D) but not mixed
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<teepee> J24k88: because text editors cheat ;-)
<J24k88> oh
<J24k88> all of them .. bloody bastards
<teepee> the normal logic is that when a glyph is missing try to find a similar font and use the glyph from that
<J24k88> but they look a little different for every font
<teepee> yes, but it tries to match fonts by properties, so it looks for a font that (should) fit best
<J24k88> hmm seems to be mostly only position changed to the fontmetric
<J24k88> well so nothing we can or should do here..
<teepee> well, there's 2 things
<teepee> 1 is mostly done but needs finishing up and cross platform tests - https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5114
<teepee> with this you can actually search for fonts supporting specific glyphs
<J24k88> that is your font preview thingy right .. that would sure help a lot
<J24k88> what is the second?
<teepee> 2 would be extending text() to support the glyph substitutionm, that's basically implementing the next higher layer of text rendering
<J24k88> with that i probably wouldn't noticed when a MS update changed/overwritten my installed version of DejaVu bis some lesser MS version
<J24k88> suddenly my zodiac cookie cutter where broken, Ü
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<teepee> possible, yes. I don't know what the exact rules are, e.g. if they do that only for specific glyph ranges or even for missing ansi letters
<Scopeuk> I guess that is a theoretical problem, how many fonts have missing ansi/ascii chars?
<Scopeuk> although that being said I guess there are going to be plenty of non Latin char sets out of Asia which might not bother
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<teepee> yeah, possible it's just not needed to bother about more complex logic. if you create a strange font, get strange results :)
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<J24k88> I remember we had (eons ago) a special font for the company logo - consisting only of 4 capital letters ..  you only could write the company name with it (no replacement)
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<Scopeuk> font are weird, someone implemented the early pokemon games in truetype
<teepee> yes, also fun stuff like script ligatures, let me see if that webpage is still up
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<teepee> aha, that one https://pomax.github.io/Cursive-swash-typeface/ - there's also a long description about some of the more strange details of otf https://pomax.github.io/CFF-glyphlet-fonts/
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<DrGameRetired> Thank you so much, all of you. I have great ideas now of how to do this.
<DrGameRetired> I regret the long timeout for my reply.  I'm in New York City time zone and I went to sleep.  But you were all busy helping me. I do appreciate this.
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<sidilakies> j24k88 Thanks
<J24k88> DrGameRetired no worry the channel is logged so you also can check later if someone replied.
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<InPhase> DrGameRetired: https://youtu.be/yvIRh-qt9EQ?t=19
<othx> InPhase linked to YouTube video "Pace Salsa "New York City?!" (1980's commercial)" => 1 IRC mentions
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<Virindi> get a rope.
<InPhase> DrGameRetired: Also, for snowflakes, we have quite a few snowflake generators on the advent calendars. The fanciest is probably Day 10 (top, second from the right) on the most recent one: https://openscad.org/advent-calendar-2023/
<InPhase> DrGameRetired: So if the snowflake was your goal, and the font was just a quick way to get there, I'd suggest grabbing one of those nicer quality generators. :)
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<J24k88> totally forgot about that one .. looked somehow familiar.. just made a simple version https://makerworld.com/en/models/465692
<J24k88> (which is closer to the font symbol)
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<teepee> uh, nice, customize button
<teepee> now I wonder if prusa gets angry when linking to this customizer in the printables readme
<J24k88> while the parametric modeler is free for all - seems this customizer needs a login
<J24k88> most annoying that the scad is read only in the code tab (already pleased them to change this blunder)
<teepee> yeah, it was possible to edit in the demo, but no save
<J24k88> maybe just takes some time as they had the plan to make customizations shareable
<teepee> yep, makes sense. it's pretty neat as it is
<J24k88> besides some minor fixes (that should already happen) like that vector parameter are not displayed
<J24k88> it works quite nice including the size overview when you click on the model
<J24k88> and if they allow to use multiple files / imports / svg / libraries  .. this would put the cherry on top
<J24k88> (if you wonder why the snowflake  is so flat .. roof is not enabled - Ü )
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<Virindi> what the heck is 'roof' anyway
<t4nk_fn> I dunno man, but I think... I think... omg! it's on fire!
<InPhase> t4nk_fn: You were not supposed to raze the roof.
<J24k88> virindi an experimental feature that is offsetting your 2d form while extruding - causing beveled sides
<InPhase> Specifically only inward, at one angle. But then one can post-adjust with scaling and cropping to get some variety.
<InPhase> Attempts for a more general offset_extrude died in PR committee when faced with the mathematical complexities of generalization.
<InPhase> This condemned roof to experimental, in the hopes that offset_extrude could be done and make roof obsolete.
<InPhase> Which is maybe still the wiser move. Although it has been a while in this stalled state, waiting for someone to ambitiously pick it up. :)
<InPhase> I feel modest guilt for being one of the ones to advocate for this holding-pattern path, which the feature has sat in for a while. And since then, I have made use of roof a few times, since it was there, and nothing else was. So I'm not 100% sure that we're not in a "perfect is the enemy of good" situation.
<Virindi> hmm
<Virindi> I don't see it in any documentation
<InPhase> Well I don't think we document experimental features on the snapshot cheatsheet.
<Virindi> it just doesn't seem to be described anywhere at all?
<Virindi> ah
<teepee> man, fritzing really makes it hard to even get the code running from github so people pay $8 per binary download
<InPhase> Virindi: Not much to it, really: $fa=1; $fs=0.4; roof() {mirror([1,0,0]) square(15); circle(5); text("Wow");}
<InPhase> Virindi: I think that illustrates the properties pretty clearly.
<InPhase> I guess I omitted showing the "straight" option in that example.
<InPhase> There. Updated example. :) $fa=1; $fs=0.4; for (y=[0,20]) let(m=y==0?"voronoi":"straight") translate([0,y,0]) roof(m) {mirror([1,0,0]) square(15); circle(5); text(m);}
<J24k88> i am using offset on the children() to make outwards angles possible (sure it has its limits)
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<gbruno> [github] cjmayo synchronize pull request #4908 (Test building with Qt 6) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4908
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<gbruno> [github] cjmayo opened pull request #5138 (Always install gettext for Linux testing) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5138
<gbruno> [github] cjmayo edited pull request #5138 (Always install gettext for Linux testing) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5138
<gbruno> [github] cjmayo edited pull request #5138 (Always install gettext for Linux testing) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5138
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<sidilakies> how do I check the logs for this channel ?
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<teepee> sidilakies: link in the channel info
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<jan64> btw. having a 'horizon lock' (a way to disable side-to-side rotation / Y rotation axis) would be neat / i think would make interacting with the object easier for beginners
<jan64> also, openscad is great! :-)
<teepee> for touchpad or something? I don't seem to have problems with a mouse/trackball
<jan64> yup, managed to hit some weird behavior with a touchpad (probably my fault, but still)
<jan64> seems to be the default for a bunch of other 3d things (tinkercad, 3d printing slicers, etc)
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<guso78k> This is another nice application of wrap function ...
<J24k55> jan64 you can use the viewport control panel
<jan64> hmmm
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<jan64> actually, i can't reproduce the thing i was hitting even without that, anymore <.<
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