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<zingos> hi, when modeling a screw and its nut to be printed, are any tolerances required for the nut?
<zingos> for the threads
<Friithian> if by printing you mean 3d printing, you'll always need to take into account how the plastic will contract
<zingos> yes I meant 3d printing
<zingos> any ideas of how to determine that?
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<InPhase> zingos: Yes there is. I have some recommended values baked into my threading library, determined by extensive testing.
<zingos> InPhase: Perfect, thank you! Will check that.
<InPhase> Just see how ScrewHole calls ScrewThread and modifies the values.
<InPhase> (I think there's a slight bug in that yet, which someone raised a PR about, but the scaled values are at least right.
<InPhase> )
<zingos> InPhase: Ah, could you please remind me where to find your threading library?
<zingos> Awesome
<InPhase> joseph_: Reviewing your list of issues, I'm reasonably confident this is from trying to trigger it before fully understanding how the code gets to the parts that change it. This is of course a reasonable first step to intuit and try to leap ahead and see if you can keep going. But it failed, as happens a fraction of the time, so the efficient track is to backtrack and build up the proper understanding
<InPhase> of the flow with printouts gradually worked backwards. Start at the part of the code that sets the shader, and have it print or log what shader it's using (or at least an identifying portion of it). Then work up the chain to everything that can call it so you know how it gets there each time it does, and as you work up the chain keep putting marker printouts into the code for the things that can call
<InPhase> the hot path you're trying to debug until you have a printout sequence that shows you how you are or aren't getting to where you want to be, and then add in printouts for the elements that are causing the faulty branch, then trace back the source of those elements with more printouts. Do it right, and you'll eventually have a sequence of prints giving you full visibility to what you're trying to fix,
<InPhase> and won't be working blinded by the confusion of what we sometimes disparigingly call "other people's code". ;)
<InPhase> joseph_: This printout work should take significantly less time than the time you appear to have already spent trying to sort it out the other way, and you'll get more than success out of it, as you'll also come away with a clear picture and understanding for the full set of changes you need to make.
<InPhase> joseph_: Don't fear cluttering the code or cluttering the git tree. You can git squash, or otherwise copy over the successful parts later. The temporary insertion of disposable intermediate code is a huge value, and easy to clean up with all the diffing and version control features available. (And you'll have a small number of lines to keep from this particular step anyway, I think.)
<robwerks> that hurt my brain
<robwerks> you coders are amazing
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<J1A8487> zingos  there is something about slicing (inclusive or exclusive) that will drastically change the  size of threads - but default slicer use something in between and as Inphase lib is empirical  it is for sure a good way to go.  Besides the printing also every moving parts need some clearance and screws have by definition a very big gap between
<J1A8487> bolt and nut thread.
<J1A8487> joseph_  Just want to say - Great that you put in all that work! Thanks!
<InPhase> J1A8487: In several cases my printed threads were calibrated to be tighter than metal nuts and bolts would be. But this is actually on purpose, because plastic is more flimsy. Not only does it have more beneficial flex, it also has more harmful flex that weakens the hold or threatens to slip the smaller threads out. But when you pack it all in tighter, you get a more secure result.
<InPhase> If someone were printing with metal, my numbers would probably be inadequately adjusted.
<J1A8487> yeah metal printing behave totally different due to the thermic dif of 1000K
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<InPhase> With the small threads, the difference from packing tighter can be very enormous. Removing a small clearance gap can add 50% to 100% more contact area.
<J1A8487> also plastic will deform and so threads "wear in" and get smoother surface when used
<ccox_> your numbers seem to be ok when matching plastic and metal parts -- at least with the SMA connectors, and other threaded fiber bundles I've tested.
<InPhase> And then on top of that there's just no room left for the plastic to bend.
<InPhase> ccox_: Yeah, I ran parallel tests plastic to plastic, metal to plastic, and plastic to metal, and adjusted both sides until all three of these worked out.
<ccox_> That's sorta what I suspected. It's working great for the random spectroscopy accessories I need.
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<InPhase> ccox_: Honestly I thought it would vary more printer to printer, but most people over the years have reported it just works for them.
<J1A8487> iirc your lib changes the angle of thread surfaces with the clearance - but that should be small  and tolerance increase bolts which is strange.. however it works - i can  only assume that changing the tolerance value could have strange effects.
<InPhase> The better quality printers that came out since then seem to have just made it more reliable for people, since I had very meticulously calibrated my printer before those tests.
<ccox_> I always love surprises like that.
<J1A8487> pretty sure you get problems if sliced inclusively  (the more with .2 layer)
<ccox_> google says 403 error on that
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<J1A8487> ccox_  how odd https://pasteboard.co/2PtZG7kRsqBl.png
<J1A8487> 403 The server understood the request, but will not fulfill it.   (what an a…ttitude )
<ccox_> My guess is that it is a permissions issue, that just has horrible error messages ;-)
<J1A8487> ok google is creating individual links  ..
<J1A8487> (image is from a google site webpage)
<J1A8487> if you don't visit the site - the direct link is denied
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<J1A8487> oh the warning "current tab changed - you want export previous render"  didn't show when using customizer to change (2022.05.04)
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<lauraaa> heyo guys
<lauraaa> for the people who waw around when i came here, i am glad to let you know that i finally finished the project
<teepee> nice, did you get some prints in hand too?
<lauraaa> well, not in my own had, someone from here helped with the 1st version of the model, i made some changes to the code and script so rn, I have no idea how it looks like in real life
<lauraaa> hand*
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<J1A8487> maybe we could add your project to the gallery
<J1A8487> lauraaa did you manage the  numbers with the prefix?
<teepee> J1A8487: if you like, I can hand you a vote for merging to the gallery
<J1A8487> is there some process of voting?
<J1A8487> .oO ( i was thinking that just someone approves the PR)
<teepee> voting = 2 approvers configured for merging
<teepee> assuming I configured that correctly, it's not really tested yet
<J1A8487> sounds good .. sure why not , would also make me  a bit more familiar with it, without too much risc.
<J1A8487> did i get a mail if there is something pending or does i need to set this up?
<teepee> I've added you but it seems to be active already, it's not showing up as pending
<J1A8487> so i added the list to "watch"  should do the trick
<J1A8487> btw that VW Beetle thing seems to work better now .. have tested it several times in the past and never got any error
<teepee> we could use that as test, re-adding it to the gallery
<teepee> I really only kicked it as it often was down leaving a broken image
<J1A8487> there is no roll back option or?
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<teepee> there was more formatting changes so simple rollback would not work, I just created a PR with the new entry format
<teepee> and can't approve my own PR :)
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<J1A84> hm so it is 6 eyes not 4 Ü
<teepee> 4 eyes for approval
<teepee> interesting that they considered the "don't approve your own PR" part here too :)
<teepee> that said, as admin I can always for the merge via a separate button, which is also a useful feature
<teepee> I've updated to the new thumbnail image
<J1A84> yes seems my approval  is still valid independent of the change ( which feels a bit strange)
<teepee> I think there's an option for that too
<J1A84> found it ..
<teepee> hmm, it's already checked, but it seems to consider pushes to the target branch, not the PR
<lauraaa> J1A8487 heyo, yes
<lauraaa> i found the solution to the numbers too
<lauraaa> J1A84 *
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<teepee> ah, good idea
<lauraaa> guys, i have a question
<lauraaa> is there a faster way to convert from scad to stl?
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<J1A84> lauraaa  so  you can put in :" cómo estás J1A84"  and it will put prefixes before the 1 and again before the 8 but not the 4 ?
<J1A84> lauraaa activate feature (preferences)  fast-CSG
<J1A84> a dirty acceleration is to keep objects .001 apart - the slicer should ignore that (and if not it wouldn't matter much)  and the render doesn't need to calculate intersection of objects like with lazy union
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<Scopeuk> lauraaa just to confirm "is there a faster way to convert from scad to stl?" is this faster than running openscad my.scad -o my.stl ? if so the only thing is the experimental stuff J1A84 mentioned that is in the nightly
<Scopeuk> how your design is implemented has a massive affect on how long it takes to render in openscad so it can be worth optimizing sometimes
<Scopeuk> and when testing turning down how smooth circles are etc
<J1A84> if the dot is a module there shouldn't be a big increase due to the use of many dots except the union of them all
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<InPhase> lauraaa: A particular approach to doing a design can have an enormous impact. I've had things go from 30 minutes to 30 seconds to render just by coming up with smarter ways to do it.
<InPhase> lauraaa: The right way to think of it is that it's not so much a conversion, as running a scad program, so it will do the amount of work you give it to do. :)
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 2 modifications (Add workshop @ Makerspace Esslingen e.V.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad.github.com/commit/ca9bfbc0d6c8dc435af9d864d2b4370ae4a88afb
<InPhase> lauraaa: Although there are, as mentioned, experimental improvements that are pushing some decent multiples in improved performance, depending on what the design contains.
<InPhase> lauraaa: For a rough sense, the dominant predictor of OpenSCAD runtimes on a design is the number of geometric interactions that have to be computed times the number of faces that make up those geometric objects.
<InPhase> lauraaa: So one easy approach to getting better performance is to make sure you make only the faces you need for a particular print outcome, and then look for opportunities to obtain the same shape with fewer geometric interactions.
<InPhase> lauraaa: And then, sometimes you just accept a slower final render in favor of a really quick simple scad routine to write, and you let the computer do work instead of doing work yourself.
<J1A84> it's spheres on a cube .. so nut much to improve except using a mesh polyhedron and just moving the dots up.
<J1A84> \s\nut\not
<InPhase> Is there a link to the current source for it?
<lauraaa> im sorry, i am back
<lauraaa> there is no link yet, but i can create a pastebin
<lauraaa> what would you like to see?
<Scopeuk> Ping InPhase
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<gbruno> [github] TheAndr0id opened issue #4296 (Customizer settings reset on .SCAD file "Automatic Reload and Preview") https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4296
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<lauraaa> InPhase are you around still