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<fancsali[m]> Hello, and good morning to you all!
<teepee> hello fancsali[m]
<gbruno> [github] fancsali opened issue #4297 ([Feature request] Allow touch-pad friendly 3D navigation) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4297
<J1A8475> not sure it is morning for all Ü
<fancsali[m]> J1A8475: Fair point: got into the habit of separating the day into morning/afternoon in the anglo-saxon way... :)
<fancsali[m]> Even in my mother-tongue, we only say morning when it's early morning - not to mention the fact that I completely ignored time-zones...
<J1A8475> wonder how touch-pad friendly is possible as shift already allow pan and rotate on other axis, so ctrl to switch mousebuttons?
<J1A8475> you probably will only view and use customizer on tablets  - so maybe some  demo mode that switch into that and minimize editor
<J1A8475> i mean there is already a setting to switch mouse buttons
<fancsali[m]> <J1A8475> "i mean there is already a..." <- Yes. I've seen that; it's still a bit odd, because one uses both pan and rotate a fair bit.
<fancsali[m]> <J1A8475> "you probably will only view..." <- If you ask me, I'd rather not have several modes...
<J1A8475> 1 finger rotate, 2 finger move, 2finger distance pan ..  isn't this the normal interface  so  maybe this can be added to the axis where already joystick and 3D-mouse is possible
<fancsali[m]> <J1A8475> "wonder how touch-pad friendly is..." <- Hm. You're actually right. Didn't spot that one.
<fancsali[m]> Well, ultimately we could have a few drop-downs in the settings where one would choose which modifier (Ctrl, Alt, Shift, Left Mouse, Right Mouse, ...) triggers which feature (Pan, Rotate, Rotate in Screen Plane).
<fancsali[m]> But then again, that's a tad bit more work...
<J1A8475> or using some mouse emulator for touchpads
<J1A8475> normaly your touchpad should have 3 finger tapping option
<fancsali[m]> Yeah, that's a way around it; but a bit hacky.
<fancsali[m]> Haven't done Qt since uni; provided I manage to find the courage, I reckon PRs are welcome...
<fancsali[m]> <J1A8475> "1 finger rotate, 2 finger move,..." <- That's a good shout.
<J1A8475> windows precision driver should take care of that - not sure about mac or linux
<fancsali[m]> J1A8475: Windows is pretty much the only OS that I am not that familiar with...
<fancsali[m]> I doubt, Mac's are very flexible in this regard; and on Linux it will definitely come down to the DE one's using...
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<Scopeuk> fancsali[m] I imagine that OSX will have some level of basic multi touch available as the macs have been using multi touch track pads for a while, even if it came down to capturing vertical and horizontal scroll events
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<fancsali[m]> <Scopeuk> "fancsali I imagine that OSX will..." <- It absolutely has; I am just saying, it's not the most ergonomic thing to keep touching the touch-pad with 3 fingers while depressing it and trying to precisely move around...
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<Scopeuk> fancsali[m] does it not do that for two fingers? looks like qt has support for it in any case https://www.qt.io/blog/2009/06/23/multi-touch-on-mac
<fancsali[m]> I think there's a misunderstanding here: it does right-click=two-finger-click. That works fine.
<fancsali[m]> What I am proposing is a more ergonomic way of going about this; that would also suite a coding workflow with hands on the keyboard anyway while being easy on the fingers at the same time.
<Scopeuk> I saw the ticket, I was musing on what we can do to make life easier, but as you suggested binding modifier keys to switch operating move could work
<fancsali[m]> Yeah, your musings are absolutely valid. And they do work fine. I just find people who code and go for a script-CAD solution would prefer modifier+mouse to multi-click.
<Scopeuk> I've always used it on desktop so using mouse + left or mouse + right feels fairly natural. a trackpad is a different thing entirely though. there are outstanding issues to make the entire interface more configurable
<Scopeuk> this would probably fall into that or a precursor to it
<fancsali[m]> Right. Does make sense. Especially if one - like me - keeps switching between FreeCAD and OpenSCAD regularly...
<fancsali[m]> ... makes life easier.
<fancsali[m]> I - somehow - end up mucking about on my laptop all the time. Perhaps because I don't own a desktop? ;)
<Scopeuk> Similar reasoning to why I always use it on desktop
<teepee> what's a desktop?
<Scopeuk> it the big brick that goes under your desk to warm everything up
<teepee> I only have lots of raspis sitting everywhere :P
<Scopeuk> sat on a fortune! can't find those at the moment
<teepee> yeah, indeed, the pi4 situation is really crazy
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<teepee> as for mouse handling, I guess we really need to make that configurable, same with the keyboard stuff which is mostly in place already
<fancsali[m]> Is the price and the availability still messed uP?
<teepee> otherwise xkcd applies :)
<teepee> workflow!
<othx> workflow is https://xkcd.com/1172/
<Scopeuk> teepee indead
<fancsali[m]> s/uP/up, like hell/
<Scopeuk> fancsali[m] I last looked last week and there was 0 availability in Europe of anything but the 2040 micro controllers
<teepee> I don't think you can order a pi4 unless stakling this raspi website listing stock
<teepee> yeah, I got 2 of the pico W to play with, although I'm not yet convinced it's a huge difference to the esp32 for what I'm doing
<teepee> also annoying that the BT is not available
<teepee> lol, only pi3-a+ in stock https://rpilocator.com/ :)
<Scopeuk> at £35 as well
<Scopeuk> which seams a bit of a scam
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<Scopeuk> moderately tempted to play with https://thepihut.com/products/seeed-xiao-ble-nrf52840-sense at some point, still want to try and make a cheap 3d manipulator
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<Scopeuk> that thing just needs a single cell lipo adding to it to turn it into a cordless imu with wifi and bluetooth
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<lauraaa> heyo
<J1A84> hey
<J1A84> found a way to speed up rendering
<lauraaa> you did?!?!?!
<J1A84> https://www.printables.com/model/240002-braille-learning   here this uses a braille polyhedron
<lauraaa> isnt it harder to read?
<J1A84> no why should it ..  it just calculates all points so no CSG operation is needed when rendering  .. so  50 letter can render under a second
<lauraaa> nono, harder to actually read it
<lauraaa> with a hand
<J1A84> it is the same area you touch as in other braille
<lauraaa> how is it faster
<J1A84> it is not a union of a cube and 6 spheres but just one object  - a polyhedron
<J1A84> if you look at the module "Letter([1,1,1, 1,1,1]);"
<lauraaa> is it just me or when i open its scad file, theres an error
<J1A84> try this https://bpa.st/Q4ZQ
<J1A84> what error do you get .. maybe something about  version 2021  ..  could be a comma
<lauraaa> parser error
<lauraaa> on concat
<J1A84> yeah there are a lot of comma at the end - which is fine in 2022 but 2021 doesn't like them .. just remove the last redundant comma
<lauraaa> oh yeah, it was the version
<lauraaa> i opened it on 2022
<J1A84> here removed them https://bpa.st/KEXA
<J1A84> there is some more cleanup possible -  but as PoC you can see the higher speed - even more with lazy union and fast CSG (preferences)
<lauraaa> YEAH
<lauraaa> yeah*
<lauraaa> its way faster
<lauraaa> the last thing i tried on mine, took 4 mins to render
<lauraaa> and convert
<J1A84> with some work it would be possible to put multiple braille blocks into one polyhedron but maybe that isn't necessary
<lauraaa> did you build that?
<J1A84> yes
<lauraaa> you are so smart
<lauraaa> dayum
<J1A84> nice to hear Ü  thx
<lauraaa> what does the commented part do?
<J1A84> that pos= ?
<J1A84> just a residue from an earlier approach to calculate the positions ..  when i change something i always make a duplicate first .. (and forget  to delete it later)
<lauraaa> ohhh
<J1A84> the earlier version calculated the dot distance as  3rd or 4th of the box size ..  but then i thought this is not too usefull
<lauraaa> man, i would love to use that instead, but it's so confusing to me
<J1A84> you can just replace your current module with Letter (dots) .. as it uses the same input format
<J1A84> just copy the module into your code
<J1A84> if you just ask i may clear some of the confusion
<J1A84> (i finde my code also often very confusing)
<othx> J1A84 linked to YouTube video "OpenSCAD tutorial: polyhedron" => 1 IRC mentions
<lauraaa> i have an existential question
<lauraaa> what if it takes so long because i am converting using the zip version
<lauraaa> i just noticed that it takes way less time if i do it directly from the app
<J1A84> what is the "zip" version?
<lauraaa> portable
<J1A84> should run in memory so i wonder this makes any difference
<J1A84> is python unpacking the zip and starting the call .. maybe something is running differently then
<lauraaa> not really, its a folder, i just call it zip version since i can take it everywhere
<J1A84> very strange as memory allocation is done by the OS
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<lauraaa> give me a moment to upload it to github
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<J1A84> is your "app" and "zip" the same version - as there are a lot of improvements in 2022 versions
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul edited issue #4297 (Allow touch-pad friendly 3D navigation) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4297
<fancsali[m]> <othx> "workflow is https://xkcd.com/117..."; <- Brilliant! I busted out laughing, like a startled horse... ;)
<fancsali[m]> <Scopeuk> "fancsali I last looked last week..." <- Thank God, I plan to buy one of those. Can't justify another normal RPi, already have 2.
<fancsali[m]> Good old days, when I bought a pair with all bells and whistles for 30 quid – new old stock RPi2 when the 4 came out, but still.
* teepee hopes for a rpi5 (that can be actually bought) at some point
<teepee> the rpi4 is almost good enough for "desktop" use, e.g. I'm running one as youtube/jitsi/teams/citrix station
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