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< AmanKashyap[m]> zoq i have opened my first pull request. Can you please take a look at it.
< Anmol2001Gitter[> ~/mlpack-3.4.2/build$ bin/mlpack_test
< Anmol2001Gitter[> Running 320 test cases...
< Anmol2001Gitter[> It is not finishing up since an hour. I ran this after installation as per the documentation of linux.
< AmanKashyap[m]> Did you run all the test cases?
< Anmol2001Gitter[> yes
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< AmanKashyap[m]> Than it will take some time. You could also run individual test as well which is almost instantaneous.
< Anmol2001Gitter[> ok i will try
< Anmol2001Gitter[> ~/mlpack-3.4.2/build$ bin/mlpack_test -t KNNTest
< Anmol2001Gitter[> Test setup error: no test cases matching filter or all test cases were disabled
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< jeffin143[m]> @zoq , sorry for being noob
< jeffin143[m]> But of going out of scope frees the memory
< jeffin143[m]> The why is it necessary to use delete ?? Keyword
< AvikantSrivastav> @jeffin143 Depends on the type of memory allocation of the object.
< AvikantSrivastav> If you normally initialize an object its 'Stack allocated' and memory is automatically cleared.
< AvikantSrivastav> If you use `new` keyword its 'Heap allocated', in that case, you have to free up space manually using `delete` keyword
< AvikantSrivastav> Hope that clears your doubt @jeffin143
< jeffin143[m]> Avikant Srivastava (Gitter): thanks a lot :)
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< Samyak> I am using linux and after executing i am getting "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" . I have already added LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/libas environment variable and I can see in usr/local/lib
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< zoq> Samyak: In case you read the log, you have to add /usr/local/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
< zoq> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
< AmanKashyap[m]> Is there any way to know why some checks fail while merging a pull request?
< zoq> AmanKashyap[m]: You can always take a look at the output.
< zoq> AmanKashyap[m]: some tests are probabilistic so they could fail like if the margin of the threshold is little.
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< Samyak> Thank you, issue solved
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #611: FIXED in 3 hr 15 min:
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< _slack_mlpack_28> "Metrics" over open source projects to find critical(ly) important ones and ones at risk etc. mlpack scores pretty well: ranked 45 out of 200 in the C++ category,
< rcurtin[m]> whoa, nice! :)
< rcurtin[m]> and if you sort by 'comments per issue', mlpack is 4th among the top 200 projects :)