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< arcinston[m]> im a newbie
< arcinston[m]> the guide said to read up on c++ boost libs
< arcinston[m]> i did that but does anyone have a good resource from where i could read up on boost or is documentation enough
< arcinston[m]> i just want to get upto speed so that i can get started with understanding the codebase and then start contributing
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< zoq> arcinston[m]: Hello, we are about to drop all boost functionality, that said the network code uses boost::variant, which is worth a look.
< zoq> arcinston[m]: is a good introduction.
< zoq> NippunSharmaGitt: Correct, feel free to add a check, but don't feel obligated.
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< arcinston[m]> how can i start working on a good first issue?
< zoq> arcinston[m]: You can comment on the issue you find interesting for further details.
< arcinston[m]> okay thanks
< arcinston[m]> its a stupid doubt but i tried installing mlpack lib via apt from its says the lib has been installed but still when i run example progrms it says fatal error no such file or folder detected
< arcinston[m]> and this is my vs code
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< zoq> arcinston[m]: I see, the issue is that you can't just build the main_ using a simple g++ command.It would be easier to take a look at one of the tutorials and build the code; link against
< arcinston[m]> could you elaborate zoq
< arcinston[m]> now i just tried to build the lib
< arcinston[m]> am i doing this right by building the lib itself
< arcinston[m]> well if you work on linux how did you make it work
< zoq> arcinston[m]: Either is fine, all I was saying is don't try to build because it will need to include extra headers you have to point g++ to.
< zoq> arcinston[m]: better to use as an example.
< zoq> arcinston[m]: Also your g++ command should look something like g++ test.coo -lmlpack -larmadillo
< zoq> arcinston[m]: So you link against mlpack
< zoq> arcinston[m]: That is not special to mlpack.
< arcinston[m]> doxygen works
< arcinston[m]> but i get what ur sayin
< zoq> arcinston[m]: As the output suggests either build mlpack without OpenMP support or add '-fopenmp' to your g++ command
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< arcinston[m]> got it it works but issue being my lib is being parallely built which might cause it to not work
< arcinston[m]> hence will try again after the building is done
< arcinston[m]> the code i write is
< arcinston[m]> g++ test.cpp -lmlpack -larmadillo -fopenmp
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< arcinston[m]> this is happening prolly because mlpacks is still being built
< arcinston[m]> so ill give it some time
< arcinston[m]> well atleast made some progress in the first day
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< arcinston[m]> well its still broken
< arcinston[m]> this should be simple
< arcinston[m]> what am i doing wrong
< zoq> arcinston[m]: it's called mlpack not mlpacks :)
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< _slack_mlpack_10> hello everybody, I am new to the community and just getting started with ML using c++, so I tried to install mlpack using this guide <> it took me about 3.5+ hours to install(1st pic), and after that when I tried to work with it its showing me this(2nd pic). If anybody can help me with this, and how to run then it would be very helpful
< _slack_mlpack_10> (edited) hello everybody, ... => hello @room everybody, ...
< _slack_mlpack_10> (edited) ... @room everybody, I ... => ... @room , I ...
< rcurtin[m]> Hey there, make sure that the directory you installed mlpack to is in the list of include directories used by your compiler
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< travis-ci> mlpack/examples#748 (master - c5f9d2d : Marcus Edel): The build has errored.
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