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< zoq> rcurtin[m]: Just checking if I get it right, if I wanted to add a kernel for a specific type I can't because doesn't check if there is already a kernel defined for a specific type?
< rcurtin[m]> hmm, that function is just a crappy preprocessor implementation that substitutes the right types for fpeT1, eT1, fpeT2, eT2, etc.
< rcurtin[m]> all that should be needed to add a new kernel is to add it to kernelsrc.hpp, and then *also to kernelid.hpp (the ordering in the src file should match the ordering in kernelid.hpp)
< zoq> Yeah, wondering if I just add some crappy code on top for now :)
< rcurtin[m]> but maybe I misunderstood the issue?
< zoq> I mean I can't add __global__ void COOT_FN(PREFIX,accu)(const float* in, const UWORD n_elem, float* out)
< zoq> if I already have __global__ void COOT_FN(PREFIX,accu)(const eT1* in, const UWORD n_elem, eT1* out)
< zoq> since the method will substitute the type
< zoq> so I end up with more than one instance of an overloaded
< zoq> __global__ void COOT_FN(PREFIX,accu)(const float* in, const UWORD n_elem, float* out) is not 100% correct
< zoq> __global__ void COOT_FN(f_,accu)(const float* in, const UWORD n_elem, float* out)
< zoq> So if I add COOT_FN(f_,accu) to the kernel_src, substitute_types will add another one COOT_FN(f_,accu).
< zoq> So my understanding is that I can only add a kernel that matches for all types.
< rcurtin[m]> oh, yeah, I see; that is how I wrote it, yeah
< rcurtin[m]> feel free to change how the functionality works, maybe adding a blacklist for kernels to not generate or something?
< zoq> Maybe, yes; also I think I can make the kernel generic enough and build upon the subsitute type method.
< rcurtin[m]> awesome, feel free to modify it in whatever way is needed
< rcurtin[m]> what I wrote was just the first thing that seemed to fit the needs I had at that particular moment :)
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< AakashkaushikGit> Hey @zoq, I am curious about what you needed to do to make it work ? Also the comparisons look very similar in the context of timing for the small network.
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< AniketKhandagale> Hey everyone! I'm Aniket Khandagale 2nd year computer science undergraduate from MU, India. I'm kind of new but really interested to start contributing. I have knowledge of C++ and would love to learn other stuff in the way. A little guidance would help. Can i get link for beginner issues which i can fix
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< siddhant_jain[m]> Aniket Khandagale (Gitter): you might want to check
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< yashwants19[m]> Hi jeffin143 missed your message yesterday.
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< AyushSingh[m]> Nice to see that my 1st PR(<>) has been approved. Looking forward to it being merged.
< AyushSingh[m]> I would now like to  work on Addition of Transformer Encoder Layer.
< AyushSingh[m]> I guess that everything required for it has already been implemented, except a layer normalization layer.
< AyushSingh[m]> So, should I start with implementation of a layer normalization layer?
< AyushSingh[m]> Just to confirm - There isn't anything left to work in making a seq2seq architecture as we already have implemented the LSTM, right? The user can create the architecture him/herself.
< jeffin143[m]> yashwants19: there is issue ,can you take a quick look :
< jeffin143[m]> Did anyone see
< jeffin143[m]> Jupiter Saturn conjecture
< jeffin143[m]> ?
< zoq> jeffin143[m]: live stream, too cloudy here
< zoq> AyushSingh[m]: We have batch norm.
< zoq> AyushSingh[m]: Would be great to have the model in the models repository -
< rcurtin[m]> jeffin143: the sun hasn't gone down here yet, but it looks like a clear night, so I'm hoping to at least wander outside and take a look :)
< shrit[m]> It rained the entire day here, storms, winds. I do not have that chance :(
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