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< NippunSharmaGitt> Hi all, I saw that we do not have a Gaussian Process Regressor inside mlpack. I think it would be a great tool to have and have opened #2764 for the same. What do you all think about it ?
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< zoq> Looks like there are some new items in the NF shop.
< zoq> rcurtin: Are the issues with the logo resolved?
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< rcurtin> zoq: seems like the IRC bridge isn't working; I talked with walker, he updated the shirt on the shop, but it looks to me like the logo is still a little too low; I think I will have to order and find out
< zoq> rcurtin: Okay, that's what I remembered, which also means if I buy one now, and it's going to be changed again, it's unique.
< rcurtin> sure, if you like, give it a shot!
< rcurtin> that's the one that Walker and I were working with
< zoq> ordered
< rcurtin> awesome, let me know if the logo is in the right place when it shows up'
< zoq> will do
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< rcurtin> @shrit[m]: but on my IRC client, I can't see the messages you are sending currently
< rcurtin> I imagine that this is just a 'hiccup' in the bridge, and will probably be fixed soon
< shrit[m]> Hope that is going to be fixed soon