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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #610: UNSTABLE in 3 hr 15 min:
< AndrewSpottGitte> well, it appears I was wrong, it seemed the memory usage was lower, but I just got a memory overflow...
< AndrewSpottGitte> :(
< AndrewSpottGitte> I'll have to take another look tomorrow.
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< anmol> hey
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< anmol> hey
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< Anmol2001Gitter[> Hi, myself Anmolpreet Singh from IIT Mandi CSE . I have done course on data science in my college and i am interested in implementation and optimization of ml algorithms . I am new to this organization and open source community. Hope to learn and contribute.
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< zoq> Anmol2001Gitter[: Hello, let us know if you have any questions.
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_slack_mlpack_25 is now known as AmanKashyap[m]
< AmanKashyap[m]> Hello everyone, this is Aman. I would like to contribute to mlpack. I am new to open source.
< zoq> AmanKashyap[m]: Hello there, as a quick start you can checkut the community page -
< zoq> AmanKashyap[m]: might be helpful as well.
< zoq> AmanKashyap[m]: You only change the files in the parent directory, in fact if you run 'git status' you can see it ignores any changes in the build folder.
< zoq> is the file that tells git to ignore certain files oder folder
< zoq> About the workflow for contributing, if you open a PR make sure you test the changes before - and should be helpful.
< zoq> and also make sure you follow the design guidelines -
< zoq> Don't worry if you miss anything, we can always figure it out along the way.
< zoq> Other than that, maybe there is an interesting issue you like to work on, or you like to improve a certain method, or add something new.
< AmanKashyap[m]> Ok got it.
< AmanKashyap[m]> So the workflow will be that i make changes into the parent directory and make sure to follow all the best practices and rule and open a pull request.
< AmanKashyap[m]> Thanks for the quick reply.
< zoq> Yes, that's the rough workflow, nothing special really.
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< SirishGitter[m]> Hello all. I want to work on an issue in the mlpack models repository. I want to know if there's any separate group/IRC for that?
< zoq> SirishGitter[m]: Hello, it's the same group of people.
< AmanKashyap[m]> Hey i am not able to find a suitable issue for beginners. Some of them are already taken up and others are tough for me to understand.
< AmanKashyap[m]> Could someone point some issues which i can take up.
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< zoq> AmanKashyap[m]: That is challenging, since we don't know what you are interested about; if there is nothing open you can always check if there is some method you can improve or if there is something that you like to add.
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