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< AakashkaushikGit>
I think doing just `make` on colab is fine because collab gives you plenty of ram so don't have to actually find out thr number of CPU cores assigned to you. the only reason for selecting number of core with the `j` flag is so that the more number of cores the more things can be processed parallely and that fills up the ram pretty quickly and terminates the build process on systems where ram is a bottleneck. And i
< AakashkaushikGit>
don't think that's a problem with colab.
< AakashkaushikGit>
btw @zoq making the members of the `layer.hpp` base class private, i don't think that makes sense because the derived classes will still have to define things like deterministic, weights and all that even after them having in the base class, can we go ahead with protected instead of private ?
< AakashkaushikGit>
Also if anyone else is online please let me know what you think about this ?
UmarJ has joined #mlpack
kaushal07wickGit has joined #mlpack
< kaushal07wickGit>
I am working on src/mlpack/methods/ann/layer/celu.hpp and I came across this template<typename DataType>
< kaushal07wickGit>
do i have to change this this into specific InputType and OutputType types
< kaushal07wickGit>
@zoq any additional changes or instructions for this .
ImQ009 has joined #mlpack
< AakashkaushikGit>
Hi @kaushal07wick are you working from the mlpack/master branch ?
UmarJ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
< zoq>
AakashkaushikGit: The derived class does inherit a full parent object, which contains any private members which that class declares. So I'm not sure I can see the issue, maybe I missed something?
< zoq[m]>
Yes, the easiest would be to take a look at an exsisting env use and implement the same interface.
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< rcurtin[m]>
A Boodhayana S Vishwamithra: be sure to take a look at; we've written up a guide for people who are interested in getting involved there
< AakashkaushikGit>
Hey @zoq i think i missed that part, i didn't saw that we had a whole base class object in those derived classes. I think i will have to check again it probably is me who is missing something.
< AakashkaushikGit>
It is*
UmarJ has joined #mlpack
< kaushal07wickGit>
hey @Aakash-kaushik I made different feature branch