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< chandramouli_r> zoq: It passes on my local machine
< jeffin143> rcurtin : so I m having some doubts regarding binding for string utilities function
< jeffin143> Now, either the function can accept a .txt file as input and then do the needful* preprocessing and all , but we don't have that option Currently in our code base*, the text file can't be given as direct input, we can just accept a matrix * and if we accept a mat and the input file is a .txt then the dataset mapper comes into play and encodes everything*
< jeffin143> So a possible work around could be , to just give the name of the file* and then read the contents from the file, and but again most of the dataset would be .csv and string would be involved in a particular column, so we have to read contents of .csv
< jeffin143> Because the api type is all vector<string> .
< jeffin143> And hence I need some help with binding building
< jeffin143> rcurtin , I got a way out of the problem :) , I am not sure whether it is the perfect way out , but anyhow I will work on it , and may be you can comment on it when I open a PR
< jeffin143> I must say, mlpack is way ahead of its time , the automatic binding is wow , sorry but I easily get impressed by things .
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #324: STILL FAILING in 3 hr 57 min:
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< rcurtin> if anyone's interested in testing the public Jitsi server, it's at
< rcurtin> I'm hoping it might work better than the instance we set up for the mlpack video meeting a while back :)
< rcurtin> I'm around to help test later today (about four hours from now probably)
< zoq> will join later today as well, probably in a hour
< sreenik> I'll go to bed after a couple of hours, might be available if it takes place before that
< rcurtin> sure, I'm headed home in 2 hours and we can play with it then if anyone's around
< rcurtin> if not then tomorrow is fine too :)
< rcurtin> just need to make sure it works with a decent number of people :)
< sreenik> Yes, sounds fine :)
< zoq> right, will join to increase the number of people
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< sreenik> I'll have to go for now. I hope it tests out well
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< rcurtin> ok, back now, took a little longer than expected to get dinner; anyone want to join and test?
< rcurtin> I'll just hang out in here :)
< zoq> about to get some sleep as well, but let me join the channel for a quick test
< zoq> hm, I can hear you ...
< zoq> :)
< zoq> yeah, go with red
< zoq> okay, so I guess in the worsk case I have to open chrome and firefox
< zoq> pretty early in India
< rcurtin> yeah, maybe 12-14 hours from now is a better time :)
< zoq> hm, there is some issue with the jenkins build, maybe a simple restart will fix the issue