ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
< rcurtin> zoq: !!!!!
< rcurtin> I would say that is more than somewhat satisfying :)
< rcurtin> but maybe I just get really excited by progress bars
< rcurtin> also, that's an interesting name for an Armadillo release, "Fomo Spiral"
< rcurtin> I assume it refers to 'fear of missing out' :)
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< Yashwants19> Hi rcurtin: should we also update readme section on github.
< Yashwants19> ?
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< rcurtin> Yashwants19: yeah, in the process of that now
< rcurtin> not everything is perfectly automated quite yet, but I am getting closer with each release :)
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#7069 (mlpack-3.1.1 - 78cab8b : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
< travis-ci> Change view :^...78cab8b4a21b
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< favre49> rcurtin: The blog page seems to be a bit broken, the website template isnt loading i think, just the text.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#7072 (master - 584f853 : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #338: NOW UNSTABLE in 3 hr 33 min:
< zoq> rcurtin: Conrad has all the good names :)
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< mulx10> zoq: I am facing issues with integration of load image ( produces error (
< mulx10> Am I missing some place where I need to add the new files?
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< zoq> mulx10: Is stb_image.h in your include search path e.g. /usr/local/include/?
< zoq> mulx10: I guess, you did run 'make install' as well?
< zoq> mulx10: Can you search for the file?
< mulx10> Yes, I did starting from cmake to make install
< mulx10> zoq: stb_image.h file?
< zoq> right
< mulx10> locate stb_image.h gives me this
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< mulx10_> . /home/nirala/mlpack/build/include/stb_image.h
< mulx10_> /home/nirala/mlpack/build/include/mlpack/core/data/stb_image.h /home/nirala/mlpack/src/mlpack/core/data/stb_image.h /usr/include/mlpack/core/data/stb_image.h
< zoq> okay, looks good
< zoq> let me clone the repo
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< zoq> also, do you get the same error if you put the code into a boost test case e.g.
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< mulx10_> I guess there is some linking error
< zoq> yeah, so if it works in the test case, that might be the issue.
< mulx10_> I haven't tested in boost, I am doing it now.
< zoq> oh wait, there is a missing: // Include implementation.
< zoq> #include "load_img_impl.hpp"
< zoq> at the end of load_img.hpp
< mulx10_> Oh okay.
< mulx10_> Thanks :) If it works I'll let you know.
< mulx10_> zoq: It worked thanks!
< zoq> great :)
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< rcurtin> happy first day of GSoC :)
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< KimSangYeon-DGU> Wow :)
< KimSangYeon-DGU> sumedhghaisas_: Hey Ghaisas, Please let me know, if you are ready :)
< KimSangYeon-DGU> I've completed the plotting of the probability surface of QGMM. I can't find any difference between QGMM and GMM. So I guess we can check the difference when training the models.
< KimSangYeon-DGU> So, I think it's a good start :)
< KimSangYeon-DGU> because we found the two probabilities are similar in initial stage.
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< ShikharJ_> sakshamB: Toshal: Let's make this quick, I have a flight to catch. So if you guys are here, let me know and we can start to discuss?
< sakshamB> yes I am here
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< ShikharJ_> Okay, so what do you have in mind regarding mini-batch discrimination?
< sakshamB> I looked at existing implementations of minibatch discrimination in python
< sakshamB> It is implemented as a layer and I think we just add it as a layer in mlpack
< sakshamB> I am working on finding the derivative for backpropogation..
< ShikharJ_> Okay, I think it would be pretty straight-forward with the implementation once you have found the gradients.
< ShikharJ_> I recently reviewed you PR on highway networks, and I think it is largely complete. So that should be done this week as well.
< ShikharJ_> sakshamB: Have you thought about how you're going to test out the layer?
< sakshamB> yes. just wanted to ask if you knew any resources to compute the formula for backpropogation or do i find it manually and verify?
< ShikharJ_> sakshamB: Manual computation is what we have predominantly relied on if in case the paper for the technique does not mention it explicitly.
< ShikharJ_> We can discuss this in detail on the PR itself. I'm not sure if we can write LaTeX code in the IRC.
< sakshamB> hmm..numerical gradient is trivial. but more importantly we need to check and verify for the quality of images maybe through inception score and other metrics.
< sakshamB> numerical gradient test*
< ShikharJ_> sakshamB: That would be a task that you can take up later and develop this feature further when you have implemented Inception Score metric.
< sakshamB> alright so, would we be able to merge the layer without verifying the quality of the images?
< ShikharJ_> For now, let's focus on getting a basic layer template code up as a PR, and we'll discuss there. I have a couple of ideas regarding the testing of this layer, but I'll need broader discussion to gain the confidence that they're viable.
< ShikharJ_> sakshamB: I'm not sure what you mean by "without verifying the quality of images".
< sakshamB> computing the inception score to compare the performance
< ShikharJ_> Ah, sorry, I didn't keep in mind your previous comment :)
< sakshamB> alright so I can start working on the implementation. Will try to open a PR soon.
< sakshamB> when is our next meet again?
< ShikharJ_> Yeah, if Inception score is essential, I think we can wait till that is implemented. Let's focus on these tasks with a deadline of two weeks, and you can take on the rest of your choice of work later.
< ShikharJ_> I'm assuming you're interested in taking Inception Scoring as the next piece of work. Let me know if it isn't and maybe we can work that out as well.
< sakshamB> yes, I don’t mind working on inception scoring next since a lot of work for GANs relies on it
< ShikharJ_> sakshamB: Great. We decided on bi-weekly meets right? Monday and Friday at 9.30 pm? Let me know if you want a change there as well?
< sakshamB> no, that is perfectly fine with me. i just wanted to confirm. thanks anyways. :)
< ShikharJ_> I'll be available on IRC throughout as well. I just messed up my bouncer configuration, so I'm checking the logs. Hopefully I can get it working soon.
< ShikharJ_> Okay, anything else you wanted to discuss? I think Toshal would be missing this meet, so I'll hang around for a while and then I'll be off :)
< ShikharJ_> Also, if you feel there is some other work you wish to take up now, feel free to push the code and we'll review.
< sakshamB> no, I will ask if I have any doubts later on. thanks again
< ShikharJ_> Great :)
< aleixrocks[m]> Hi all! Is there any option to use mlpack/ensmallen/armadillo with out-of-core support? I have read several mlpack tutorials and examples but apparently data is always read at the beginning of the execution and written at the end of it. I would like to work with datasets bigger than my available system's memory. Well, in fact, what I'm truly interested is in studying the storage device impact on ML/DL executions (mostly
< aleixrocks[m]> the SGD part) for my PhD.
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< rcurtin> aleixrocks[m]: it's easy with mmap() but I'm about to get lunch so I can answer better when I am back
< rcurtin> there is a paper... I forget its name... by Andy Fang and Polo Chau at SIGMOD 2016 I think, called 'M3'? (that's only part of the name)
< rcurtin> you could look at papers citing the JMLR mlpack paper to find it
< rcurtin> anyway that might be helpful, I'll explain more about how to do it when I get back from lunch
< ShikharJ_> aleixrocks[m]: This might be of interest to you:
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< aleixrocks[m]> rcurtin: Thank you very much for your reply! I'm familiar with the mmap syscall (I'm somewhat of a Linux kernel developer), but I will definitely appreciate some guidance on how to use it given that data management seem to be done through armadillo. I will check for this paper as well! Bon appetite!
< aleixrocks[m]> got it just as you said! M3: Scaling Up Machine Learning via Memory Mapping
< aleixrocks[m]> ShikharJ_ paper is also quite interesting, thank you so much!
< favre49> Is there any way i could initialize a struct or enum whose definition is a member of a template class?
< favre49> I'm trying to create a class that can wrap the RL environments(passed as a template param), and i need to initialize the Action.
< favre49> If i passed the template class as EnvironmentType, would EnvironmentType::Action action work?
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< rcurtin> aleixrocks[m]: so, the trick is to wrap Armadillo around an mmap() pointer
< rcurtin> basically, what you want to do is create a file on disk that stores the packed double representation of the matrix
< rcurtin> i.e., each element stored as an 8-byte double, sequentially, in column-major order
< rcurtin> then, you can use mmap() to get a pointer to this file, and then use the Armadillo advanced constructor like this:
< rcurtin> double* mmapPointer = mmap(...)
< rcurtin> arma::mat mmapMatrix(mmapPointer, n_rows, n_cols, false /* don't copy memory */, true /* cannot change size */);
< rcurtin> now, note that you'll have to be really careful to make sure nothing tries to copy the mmapMatrix
< rcurtin> but otherwise, that should work without problems
< aleixrocks[m]> rcurtin: I see, this should definitely do the trick for my purposes. Thank you very much for your help and rapid response!
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< zoq> favre49: What about passing an instantiation of the env as well? Something like:
< rcurtin> favre49: I fixed the blog page, looked like it was loading the wrong image
< rcurtin> it'd be nice to transition that whole style to the new webpage style, but it's a lot of effort and if German is already redoing the website, maybe better to wait :)
< rcurtin> I think it's fine as-is anyway
< rcurtin> let me know if I missed something or there are other issues
< zoq> Okay, invited everyone to write to the blog repo as well.
< sreenik> zoq: Thanks for the invite
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