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< Suryo> zoq, rcurtin: an update
< Suryo> I've begun the tests for PSO. As of now, I've finished the sphere and rosenbrock functions. Our LBestPSO is able to pass these.
< Suryo> I had made a mistake earlier in testing PSO in that I had forgotten to register the test cases in CMakeLists.txt but that was a couple of months back, in the first run.
< Suryo> A side note: I'm beginning the testing process from scratch. I removed the stuff I had written earlier and I'm being careful.
< Suryo> So yeah, as of now, it is working. But I'm still working on the improvements suggested by zoq, and working on some comments raised by conradsanderson.
< Suryo> That's all, I guess.
< Suryo> The code does look a lot cleaner.
< Suryo> Also, zoq: If you could take a look at some of my new commits in PR#86 and tell me what you think about the code document style, it would be great!!
< Suryo> That's it for now!
< Suryo> Let me know your thoughts on these.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #365: STILL UNSTABLE in 4 hr 3 min:
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< favre49> zoq: Did you get the chance to step through the code? I still haven't been able to find out what's causing NEAT to perform this way.
< zoq> favre49: I started, but haven't found anything either, at least not yet. But I continue in a couple of hours.
< favre49> I've made some more commits, that should make it more stable (node depths weren't updating properly earlier). Thanks for the help :)
< zoq> right, I saw the commits, probably a good idea to incoperate the changes as well.
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