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< ShikharJ> rcurtin: Sorry for the late reply.
< ShikharJ> rcurtin: Please leave your message, I'll revert back as soon as I can.
< rcurtin> ShikharJ: no worries---it was about the email I sent earlier. everything is sorted out now :)
< rcurtin> hope your exams are going well :)
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< ShikharJ> rcurtin: Thanks. Yeah, I should be available in a couple of days time.
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #312: UNSTABLE in 3 hr 48 min:
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< rcurtin> I'm giving a talk on mlpack at ODSC East in an hour... let's hope people enjoy hearing about C++ and machine learning :)
< rcurtin> when I've given this talk before it's been received pretty well
< zoq> nice, perhap you can post the slides at some point
< rcurtin> this is really similar to some talks I've given in the past, but this talk is 30 minutes longer so I gave an example application
< rcurtin> I'll also give a version of the talk at a MinneAnalytics event in Minneapolis at the end of May
< rcurtin> I never thought I would get so much mileage out of this talk I originally put together three years ago
< zoq> the slides evolved as well, like the ensmallen part :)
< rcurtin> yeah I have to keep updating things :)
< rcurtin> .
< rcurtin> oops, ignore the '.' :)
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< rcurtin> I forgot to bring business cards so I am just handing out mlpack stickers instead :)
< zoq> basically the same :)
< rcurtin> hehe