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< manish7294> zoq:rcurtin: I am writing the binding test for density estimation trees. But whenever I am including det_main.cpp file, "Multiple definition of PathCatcher Class functions" error is popping up. Here is the build log Please if you get some time, have a look on it.
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< zoq> manish729d: Do you think you could open a PR, with what you have right now?
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< rcurtin> manish7294: I have to wonder if this is due to the "#define private public" hack in src/mlpack/tests/det_test.cpp
< rcurtin> (which is a horrible hack by the way)
< rcurtin> you may be able to do the same for main_tests/det_test.cpp, or, alternately, maybe that is not needed anymore in the original det_test.cpp, I am not sure
< manish7294> zoq: Will it be okay to open PR by tomorrow, need to do some work over it.
< manish7294> rcurtin: That could probably be the reason. But removing it will need to do some extra work over other things. And doing the same in main_test still pops out the error.
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