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< luffy1996> zoq: rcurtin: I was looking into this pull request particularly. After going through the entire conversation I understood few things,
< luffy1996> 1) Using shared_ptr is not suitable for mlpack because it might introduce ownership issues for an object. More over since its a new feature you are a bit resistant so as to keep mlpack simple.
< luffy1996> 2) Implementing Alias layer turns out to be a tedious task. Shangtong's comment give me an idea how to proceed with this. However I am still not clear is it really required to make a new alias class. I see parameters like an object whose values can be altered with pointers.
< luffy1996> I am unsure of the term fake weights used . I do not get what are fake weights here.
< luffy1996> I am also commenting same in the issue. I think shangtong might also want to provide inputs. Thanks
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< robertohueso> rcurtin: I opened issue #1363 refeering to our conversation yesterday about KD-Trees
< rcurtin> I saw that, thank you
< rcurtin> I will respond when I am able to
< robertohueso> Thanks! :)
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