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< xa0> ok further digging and i think it might be me
< xa0> nope, now i think it's not again
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< rajiv_> Is there a way to run mlpack test codes which use boost in my computer? I usually use `g++ spsa_test.cpp -o spsa -std=c++11 ../../../build/lib/ -I ../../../build/include/ -l armadillo -l boost_serialization -l boost_program_options` to compile, but that doesn't compile when I run BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE
< rajiv_> I get the following error:
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< rajiv_> I tried linking a few files but could not find the right one
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< Atharva> rajiv_: It’s difficult to manually compile amd run test programs. Instead, you can go to mlpack/build and then run the test executable which must have been compiled when you built mlpack. bin/mlpack_test -t nameoftest
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< manthan> rajiv_ : 1. cd build 2. make mlpack_test ANNLayerTest 3. bin/mlpack_test -t ANNLayerTest
< manthan> you can do this to build and run a particular test ^
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< sshkhrnwbie> Hi @rcurtin and @zoq Sorry for not following up on my pr #1241
< sshkhrnwbie> I have added the doxygen documentation and made other requested changes. This was my first time writing documentation for doxygen so please have a look when you have time and point out any mistakes. Thanks
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< rajiv_> Thanks! I'm able to run the tests but am getting the following error for all the tests: "error: solve(): use of LAPACK must be enabled"
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< manthan> rajiv_ : do you have LAPACK installed?
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< rajiv_> manthan_ : As you said, LAPACK was not installed, but after installing, I get the following error: "Test setup error: no test cases matching filter"
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< zoq> \msg lozhnikov
< zoq> hm
< zoq> rajiv_: Are you sure you added the test suite to the CMake file?
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< miqlas> Hi Guys
< zoq> miqlas: Hello :)
< zoq> time to upadte the package?
< miqlas> I have seen there is a new mlpack version, so it is time to update the haiku mlpack port.
< miqlas> zoq: true :)
< miqlas> but i got some question: what about the ABI/API compatibility? Is 3.0.0 backwards compatible with 2.2.5?
< zoq> mlpack 3.0.0 breaks backward compatibility.
< miqlas> the 2.2.5 mlpack recipe defines it as "compat >= 2"
< miqlas> zoq, then i adjust the compat string accordingly. thanks
< zoq> miqlas: Thanks a lot!
< miqlas> zoq: do you know, what is the name of the now?
< miqlas> It was before
< zoq>
< miqlas> and too?
< zoq> no, I think this is a left over
< miqlas> ok, thanks.
< miqlas> zoq: mlpack 3.0 Haiku port battle anthem: Bee Gees - How deep is your love
< zoq> 'Bee Gees - How deep is your love' that fits perfectly :)
< manthan> rajiv_ : in addition, check if you are in build folder and have build files written to it
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< rajiv_> zoq_: Yes, I have added the test suite to CMakeLists.txt. When LAPACK was not installed, it gave an error "LAPACK must be enabled" and the test ran. But, after installing, I get the error: "Test setup error: no test cases matching filter"
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< zoq> rajiv_: How does the test command look like?
< zoq> rajiv_: Does 'bin/mlpack_test -t ANNLayerTest' work for you?
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< rajiv_> zoq_ : I used the following commands in mlpack/build/: make mlpack_test ../src/mlpack/tests/spsa_test.cpp; bin/mlpack_test ../src/mlpack/tests/spsa_test.cpp
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< zoq> rajiv_: I see, you can't build a single test, but once you build the codebase, another run should only build changes.
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< rajiv_> zoq_ : What I want to do is to get test results like we get in travis CI build so that I can avoid pushing commits which fail the tests
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< zoq> rajiv_: So the follow the build steps here: and run 'bin/mlpack_test -t SPSATest' afterwards
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< rajiv_> zoq_ : Thanks! I'll try and let you know
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< zoq> miqlas: Great, are you planing to build the python bindings as well?
< miqlas> i can do it, but nothing using it right now.
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< Prabhat-IIT> rcurtin: While writing test for fastmks I've noticed that it takes reference dataset as reference and ultimately makes the reference matrix NULL. There's a problem due to it. If we save our model and then query it for some dataset then it complains of empty reference dataset.
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< travis-ci> Prabhat-IIT/mlpack#3 (fastmksTest - 8a3fd13 : Prabhat): The build has errored.
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< miqlas> zoq: uh-uh... mlpack failing:
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< zoq> miqlas: hm, probably some bad starting condition, I guess all tests have to pass?
< miqlas> could be.
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< travis-ci> Prabhat-IIT/mlpack#4 (newinit - 96480b9 : Prabhat): The build has errored.
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< miqlas> let me retry it.
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< miqlas> nope, it is failed again
< zoq> did you rebuild the test suite?
< miqlas> no
< zoq> I see, in this case in uses the same random seed as before
< zoq> do you think you could rebuild the test suite and test again?
< miqlas> lemme try
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< manthan> zoq : could you review the flexible relu PR ?
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