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< manthan> rcurtin : zoq : could you review decision tree PR if you find time :D
< manthan> luffy1996 : any updates with softmax layer?
< rcurtin> manthan: I have not forgotten, I am underwater with paper deadlines. I have been completely unable to do anything related to mlpack for four or five days now (very strange for me)
< rcurtin> I think that I'll be able to start reviewing code again late this week or more likely next week, but the backlog is large
< rcurtin> so, the point is, don't worry, like I said before, I have it marked down on my list
< manthan> rcurtin : sure i understand :D
< manthan> thanks
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< ricklly> @rcurtin: how to think of this paper, i.e. On the Convergence of Maximum Variance Unfolding. The link is
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< luffy1996> manthan: I am loaded up with assignment deadlines and tests this week. This usually happens during the end of the semester. If you have time please help me out by implementing softmax layer in ann. It will be a great help to me. THanks
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< Pryan> hello, any help about integrating machine learning into an ircd for spam detection ?
< Pryan> or maybe that's not the right way
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