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< ricklly_> hello, I find that "" includes abalone19_test.csv rather than abalone7_test.csv
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< ricklly_> hello, should I reopen a PR if I have pulled a request which has been faild?
< ricklly_> failed
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< rcurtin> ricklly: thanks for pointing out the issue about abalone7, I will look into that in a moment
< rcurtin> I don't understand the other question though
< ricklly> wow, I added commits to the PR which I opened the other days. I thought I could not add. Later I find the approach.
< rcurtin> ricklly: ok, so the problem is solved now?
< rcurtin> also, I fixed abalone7.tar.gz so it should work now, you can try that again if you like
< ricklly> ok
< ricklly> I try it again. yeah, I solved it
< rcurtin> great, sounds good :)
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