changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
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< rf_sust2018> Hello there! Please let me know if there is any R&D level tasks available for contribution in mlpack that can be done in two-three months 25hours a week.
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< sourabhvarshney1> zoq: If you have gone through the brnn code, please put your comments.
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< miqlas> hi
< miqlas> is mlpack opencl aware?
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< zoq> sourabhvarshney1: Did you get my email?
< zoq> miqlas: There is a work in progress addon for armadillo called bandicoot, which does what you want. But until it is finished you could build against NVBLAS to get GPU acceleration.
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< sourabhvarshney1> zoq: I did not get your email.
< sourabhvarshney1> zoq: My email id is
< zoq> sourabhvarshney1: I see, I used the one from the github profile
< sourabhvarshney1> zoq: I got it now.
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