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< windows> Hey, I spent 3 days trying to build mlpack on Ubuntu 14.0, each time it failed to finish building because my pc ran out of ram. I tried doing the windows tutorial on building but that didn't work. So my alternative for mlpack on windows is to use the Windows Linux Subsystem. So far I have had more success with it, as not it has finished building and I got it installed.
< rcurtin> windows: are you building on a VM for Ubuntu? you can increase the amount of RAM it needs
< rcurtin> I believe that mlpack needs 1.5GB+ of RAM to compile successfully; this is because of the templates in the C++
< rcurtin> also for ubuntu you can be quick and just do 'apt-get install libmlpack-dev', but that is less useful if you are planning on modifying the library and not just using it
< windows> I was building on a cloud vm and the 'apt-get install libmlpack-dev' does not have ann.
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< rcurtin> windows: oh, sorry, I see you said Ubuntu 14.04
< rcurtin> you would need, I think, 18.04 for the newest package... let me check
< rcurtin> ah, actually, sorry, mlpack 3 is only available in the repos for debian sid/unstable, not yet ubuntu
< rcurtin> probably the next ubuntu (18.10) will have it
< rcurtin> but that is a long time to wait :)
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< luffy1996> @zoq, I went throught the link you sent me. I think this might make my implementation more complex. What I want to do is add a softmax layer at the end of ann network and then apply catagorical cross entropy to compute the error and gradients. I guess crossentropy is already implemented on mlpack
< luffy1996> I can see that softmax regression has been implemented in mlpack at I do not know how can one integrate this with ann layer. Please let me know how can I proceed with this. Thanks
< luffy1996> @manthan If you have any ideas, feel free to speak. Thanks
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< manthan> luffy1996 : softmax layer is P(y=j∣x)=e^(xTwj)/∑e^(xTwk). Since it has trainable parameters, you need to implement Forward(), Backward() and Gradient() functions. Forward () will contain normal formal pass of the layer. Backward() will contain the derivative of error wrt input. Gradient() will contain derivative of error with respect to the trainable parameters. error here means error upto this layer in the backward pass.
< luffy1996> Does that mean that I have to go ahead and add the sftmax layer for mlpack
< manthan> this is a good source for the implementation.
< manthan> yes, addition of softmax layer to ann/layer module would be better. You can then have the layer added to your model by model.Add<Softmax<>>()
< luffy1996> manthan: The link is very helpful. Thanks. Would you mind giving me an idea how is crossentropy used in mlpack without softmax. I guess crossentropy is implemented in mlpack.
< manthan> you can see the ann_layer_test.cpp for the test on crossentropy layer.
< manthan> input is considered to be a vector with 8 values = 0.5 and target as 8 values = 1. The output is thus - 8*log(2).
< luffy1996> I get how crossentropy error is used. I think I should go ahead and add a softmax layer for myself. Thanks :)
< manthan> ya that would be better, i would like to help you in case you want.
< luffy1996> Sure I will ping you incase any help is needed. Thanks
< luffy1996> Hie manthan
< luffy1996> I am confused in the backward for softmax
< luffy1996> template<typename InputDataType, typename OutputDataType>
< luffy1996> template<typename InputType, typename OutputType>
< luffy1996> void Softmax<InputDataType, OutputDataType>::Forward(
< luffy1996> const InputType&& input, OutputType&& output)
< luffy1996> {
< luffy1996> arma::mat maxInput = arma::repmat(arma::max(input), input.n_rows, 1);
< luffy1996> arma::mat expInput = arma::exp(maxInput - input);
< luffy1996> // We will normalize the values to get probability.
< luffy1996> double sumExpInput = arma::sum(expInput);
< luffy1996> output = expInput/sumExpInput;
< luffy1996> }
< luffy1996> template<typename InputDataType, typename OutputDataType>
< luffy1996> template<typename eT>
< luffy1996> void Softmax<InputDataType, OutputDataType>::Backward(
< luffy1996> Please refer to the snippet. The entire code got rejected while posting because of technical issues.
< luffy1996> In particular I would like to know how to proceed with the gradients for backward propagation
< luffy1996> THanks
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< manthan> luffy1996 : g will contain the derivative of error with respect to input for Backward()
< manthan> so the link that i gave you above, calculates the derivative wrt input for softmax layer
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< manthan> it uses quotient rule of differentiation
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< luffy1996> DO I need to make the entire jacobian matrix
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< manthan> luffy1996 : i think yes you will have to make it
< manthan> and it is Si(dij - Sj) right? for i,j element
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< luffy1996> something like Jacob()*gy
< luffy1996> Am I correct here?
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< luffy1996> @zoq, @rcurtin Any comments ?
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< robertohueso> Should we allow CLI / Python binding users to select different metric/kernels/trees for an algorithm on runtime?
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< manthan> luffy1996 : yes it is Jacob() * gy
< manthan> and jacob() can be computed by using the derivative function of softmax wrt input
< manthan> let rcurtin and zoq clarify in case we missed something
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< manthan> rcurtin : zoq : I have updated the decision tree pruning PR and have included it as a template parameter. No extra data members are added for the purpose. I have changed the classProbabilities to take up classCounts. Can you have a look at the updated PR.
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