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< manthan> rcurtin : in relation to the decision tree pruning implementation, i have figured out that if classProbabilities for leaf nodes is made to hold the count of points for each class insted of probabilities, then there will be no need to include any additional data members
< manthan> additional data members are just needed to figure the majority class of a particular non-leaf node. But if counts are stored, then this can be found by just looping over the classProbabilities of each child of the current non-leaf node.
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< rajiv_> This is a continuation of the discussion on 8th April in the IRC. I was able to run the tests using the command: bin/mlpack_test. But, I still get the error: use of LAPACK must be enabled. To check if I have LAPACK installed, I tried building armadillo. When I ran cmake, it said that I have LAPACK installed. I am not able to figure out the reason for this issue.
< zoq> rajiv_: Can't you use the package manager to install armadillo?
< rajiv_> I have armadillo installed already... I just tried to build it to check if I have LAPACK or not
< rajiv_> zoq_: This is the error I am getting:
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< pryan> hello
< pryan> how can i implement mlpack into a C++ code to get rid of spam of mi ircd ( im codding an ircd )
< pryan> what functions should i use ?
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< luffy1996> @zoq I am presently going through asynchronous methods for deep RL implementation on mlpack. If I remember correctly then you mentioned that mlpack supports implementation of A3C (Asynchronous advantage actor critic). However I do not find the sources of the file. I can see only three of the 4 variants discussed in the paper implemented . I might be wrong here but would you please give me some lead.
< pryan> hello luffy1996
< pryan> how can i implement mlpack into a C++ code to get rid of spam of mi ircd ( im codding an ircd )
< luffy1996> @zoq Also I am stuck with policy gradient application in mlpack . How should I proceed with gradient ascent in mlpack.
< luffy1996> @pryan I do not think I could help you in this. Thanks :)
< pryan> ok
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< luffy1996> \
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< zoq> rajiv_: Okay, can you tell me more about your OS (ubuntu)?
< pryan> zoq hello
< pryan> there is an example of how can i implement ML ?
< pryan> im makin my own ircd
< pryan> and want to have ML to do spam stuff
< zoq> luffy1996: hm, A3C is implemented, there is an open issue: which talks about an Alias layer, which is required to implement A3C.
< zoq> pryan: I think, there are multiple ideas you could test, nearest neighbor classifier, logistic regression, neural networks.
< pryan> hm
< pryan> some example of code or anything ?
< pryan> a wiki
< pryan> or some
< zoq> Unfortunately mlpack doesn't provide a word to vector method; which I think is the first step in the pipeline.
< pryan> aham
< zoq> See: and I guess another good resource are the tests, which in some cases provide simple examples that could be directly used:
< pryan> lot of thanks zoq
< pryan> your job are great
< zoq> pryan: Here to help, let me know if I should clarify anything.
< pryan> zoq i have read a little about ML
< pryan> i think that load from csv is out
< pryan> so probably i must write some scruppy stuff
< pryan> and again, thanks
< zoq> yeah, depending on the input some boilerplate code is necessary, but I think some standard C++ functions is all you need ... not sure.
< pryan> ok
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< travis-ci> Prabhat-IIT/mlpack#15 (newinit - cb1d2d4 : Prabhat): The build has errored.
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