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< ricklly> It seem that MLPack does not use STL library. Can I use container set ?
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< zoq> ricklly: You can use set, we use a couple of stl container like vector and bitset.
< ricklly> greate.
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< ricklly> zoq: can u help me to verify the codes? just now I modified the code in sdp_primal_dual_test.cpp, and how to verify it?
< ricklly> hhha
< zoq> Not sure what you mean with verify, testing?
< ricklly> right...
< zoq> So, writing tests is done with the Boost Unit Test Framework:, I think the interesting test here is: which could be run with: 'bin/mlpack_test -t SdpPrimalDualTest'
< zoq> You could also run a single test case from the test suite e.g. for the SmallLovaszThetaSdp you can call 'bin/mlpack_test -t SdpPrimalDualTest/SmallLovaszThetaSdp'
< ricklly> great
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< ricklly> I need to cmake the whole project again?
< ricklly> cmake .. ?
< ricklly> thanks for your help. I did it
< zoq> yes, correct
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< ricklly> I did the command, make mlpack_test, then it is really slow on my laptop.
< zoq> yeah, building the codebase needs some resources. You could build with make -jx where x is the number of threads to build the code. Usally I go with the number of CPU cores.
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