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< manthan> zoq : rcurtin : could you have a look at the PR i opened on mlpack/models repo.
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< Prabhat-IIT> zoq: Today, I was watching mark schmidt talk on Non-smooth, non-finite and non-convex optimization where he talked about complex step derivative which has a major advantage over finite difference method that we can chose 'h' arbitrary small. I want to ask that why don't we use complex step derivative in mlpack?
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< zoq> Prabhat-IIT: I guess the reason is, nobody looked into it :)
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< Prabhat-IIT> can we think of using the complex derivative method in mlpack? I think we can use templates to specify which derivative to use real-valued, complex-step or algorithmic differentiation
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< zoq> Prabhat-IIT: If you like to work on this, please feel free, maybe we can start with a simple sketch?
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< daivik> rcurtin: zoq: I didn't get a chance to submit a draft proposal -- there were only a few hours left after I had reached a final version that I was sort of happy with. I would still really appreciate any feedback on it - so whenever you get a chance, please do let me know what you think.
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< rcurtin> daivik: sorry to hear that there wasn't time for you; I'll take a look when I have a chance
< rcurtin> I'm currently pretty busy preparing the mlpack 3 release so it may be a day or two, but I will be sure to provide feedback for you
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