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< manthan> sourabhvarshney111 : what error are you getting in opening a PR in my repo?
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< sourabhvarshney1> @manthan When I was trying to open a pr, it was getting redirected to mlpack pr option. When I tried to change the base fork, your name was not available in that.
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< manthan> sourabhvarshney1 : try now and let me know
< manthan> have you set up a remote to my repo?
< manthan> by that i mean, you will have to fork my repo (which sets a remote)
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< sourabhvarshney1> @manthan I tried. But that it is still not working. I think we can open PRs without forking the repo because we have the same base repo mlpack. But, I don't know why I am not able to open PR to yours. I am able to open PRs to other contributors like @rcurtin. Can anyone clear my doubt
< manthan> @sourabhvarshney1 i can make a PR to your repo though
< sourabhvarshney1> Yes, that's what I am saying. I am not getting why I cannot open a PR on your repo?
< manthan> ya, thats why i thought to try with the forking thing
< sourabhvarshney1> But we can't fork an already fork repo. I tried for others. I was not able to open PR for mlpack repo of @zoq
< sourabhvarshney1> This is something related to privacy.
< manthan> sourabhvarshney1 : i made a PR from your branch to my branch
< manthan> actually, I wan't sure if that could be done but you can make a PR from someone else's branch to any fork ( a path in the github graph should exist basically)
< sourabhvarshney1> Ya checked that. But, still I want the solution to my problem because how many times you would make a PR for me.
< sourabhvarshney1> I actually knew we can open a PR from any repository to other repository. But that wasn't working here.
< manthan> ya true, lets check what the problem could be
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