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< manthan> zoq : rcurtin : i want to use gdb to debug a particular test. I tried bin/mlpack_test -t ANNLayerTest/GradientAddLayerTest >> a.out | gdb a.out but it gave errors. Any idea how to do so?
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< united_> Hi! I am a final year student working in computer vision at NTU, Singapore. Does mlpack have any beginner level deep learning/computer vision issues? I would like to start contributing. Thanks!
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< haritha1313> united_: Hi. To begin with, you can visit You can also take a look at and work on any open issues you find suitable.
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< manish7294> manthan: Try this - gdb bin/mlpack_test
< manish7294> then run -t ANNLayerTest/GradientAddLayerTest
< united_> haritha1313: Thanks
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< manthan> manish7294 : thanks! :D
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< sumedhghaisas> @Atharva: Sorry for the late response
< sumedhghaisas> ahh yes. You will also need changes in ffn.hpp and ffn_impl.hpp
< sumedhghaisas> I have been meaning to complete that Par for a while now. I should get around doing it this summer :)
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< manish7294> rcurtin: Can you please provide just some quick comments over the proposal timeline? I hope, I am not bugging you!
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< rcurtin> manish7294: sure, I can do that, I will make a little time for it today
< rcurtin> lots of emails over the weekend to catch up with first though
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< manish7294> rcurtin: Thanks, It will help a lot!
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< eddyrene> hi
< eddyrene> everybody
< eddyrene> i was working in develop a MLP using Armadillo
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< eddyrene> that's working right now,
< eddyrene> with some BP algortihms like Stockastic and Momentum
< eddyrene> I thing that could be a incredible aport to mlpack
< eddyrene> *think
< eddyrene> and I would like improve more to extends to other learning algorithms
< eddyrene> someone can guideme where I need to contact or whom?
< rcurtin> eddyrene: hi there, we actually already have a neural network infrastructure that one could use to build an MLP
< rcurtin> and we have a single-layer perceptron also
< rcurtin> but maybe some of the code that you have written could be ported to these existing infrastructures, if we are missing something that you have written
< Atharva> sumedhghaisas2: Also, you said core/distributions will be useful for us. I am not really sure how. For example, for a 2d image, we can just use logisticfunction as the last layer and get parameters for Bernoulli distribution.
< sumedhghaisas2> @Atharva: Sorry don't think I understand what you mean. Which network is using logistic layer for output? Encoder or decoder?
< Atharva> Decoder, Can you tell me how you would use the core/dists. What I meant was by using a logistic layer for output in the decoder, we can get a value between 0-1 for each pixel.
< Atharva> Each pixel will take the value 1 with this probability p and zero with 1 - p
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< manthan> rcurtin : I know you would be very busy but could you have a quick look at my proposal. Its almost the final draft now. I have included zoq's suggestions. Thanks.
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< haritha1313> @zoq: Hi, I guess it was you who reviewed my draft as Anonymous. I had replied to the comments regarding ANN layers to be used and need of another merge layer. Should I repeat them here so we can resolve it, in case there is any point which needs more clarity?
< rcurtin> manthan: if I have a chance I will take a look, but there are a lot of requests
< zoq> haritha1313: Let me take a look.
< manthan> rcurtin : sure thanks, zoq : i have included your suggestions, could you have a quick look if you get time. Thanks
< zoq> haritha1313: Jsut add the comment to the application is fine. thanks for the clarification.
< Atharva> rcurtin: is the discrete distribution in core/dist a generalisation of binomial distribution?
< rcurtin> Atharva: yes, I think you can see it that way
< haritha1313> zoq: Thanks
< manthan> zoq : could you have a look at TokenizerEncoder especially. Thanks
< haritha1313> rcurtin: As per earlier discussion I have edited the proposal to accomodate NCF within CF class. I had one more doubt.
< Atharva> rcurtin: Okay got it
< haritha1313> I also intend to make some changes in the existing CF (using matrix factorization) to manage global effects (biases etc.). I have mentioned it in the timeline and in deliverables. Should I describe its implementation too? Any direction would be helpful.
< haritha1313> Since major part of the proposal is focussed on NCF, it could look a bit out of place, hence the doubt.
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< manthan> zoq : thanks
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< eddyrene> rcurtin, so I can write a proposal for develop some functions to add to the infrastructure that you already have
< rcurtin> eddyrene: I don't really see a need to add any functions that we do already have, but if you identify things that mlpack does not have, I think that is okay
< eddyrene> rcurtin, I understand.
< eddyrene> On the other hand I was working also in the PSO algorithm, I develop o algorothim
< eddyrene> I'm sorry for my english,
< rcurtin> no worries about the english, I think I understand :)
< eddyrene> hahaha
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< rcurtin> I am not familiar with the GSoC projects for deep learning but I do think there are some open PRs for PSO now, so maybe it is worth looking there
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< rajiv_> Hi @rcurtin, I have mailed you my GSoC proposal. If possible, it would be great if you could provide any feedback to improve it :)
< rcurtin> hi rajiv, there are I think nearly 60 proposals and lots of other things for me to respond to so I may not have time, but I will try
< rajiv_> Thanks! I would love to hear your feedback!
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< Atharva> sumedhghaisas: what do you think about how we should use core/dists?
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#4522 (master - a8d2b3b : Marcus Edel): The build has errored.
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< rcurtin> huh, jenkins-mlpack kicked for excess flood... I wonder what the flood was...
< zoq> maybe another channel :)