changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
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< ShikharJ> zoq: Ah, but I think this wouldn't be applicable to transposed convolution case, as the non-padded input is always passed to the `Backward` convolution rule in the `Forward` routine.
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< ShikharJ> zoq: I've updated the PR, please take a look whenever free. Also, I'd like to work up on Layer Normalization and completing the PR on Atrous Convolutions.
< ShikharJ> The task on Layer Normalization was planned for the later, but I'd like to finish it now, so that I can focus on big tasks at once, without worrying about the smaller dependencies.
< ShikharJ> This would also complete the convolutional toolbox of mlpack (maybe depth-wise separable convolutions would be remaining), but I don't think they're used that often (I could only find a couple of papers).
< ShikharJ> They're mainly used in the Xception model if I'm not wrong.
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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#128 (master - acce0c0 : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< zoq> ShikharJ: Agreed, depth-wise separable convolutions isn't used that much, if you like to shift the work, that's fine with me; will take a look at the PR later today.
< ShikharJ> zoq: Thanks. I'll push both the PRs over the weekend.
< zoq> ShikharJ: Sounds good; I think I have already mentioned that working over the weekend isn't required :)
< ShikharJ> zoq: Yeah, just wanted to get a head start. Already the work on Transposed Convolution layer took a bit longer than I expected it would take. So taking no risks.
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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#129 (Deconv - e708df9 : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build has errored.
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< manish7294> rcurtin: Are you there?
< manish7294> rcurtin: I want to discuss the constraint generation algo.
< rcurtin> manish7294: yeah, I am here, but unfortunately today a lot of people from out of town are coming to my office
< rcurtin> so I'll be in a meeting in about 10 minutes... and it's likely to go all day :(
< rcurtin> maybe an email to the list is a better way to discuss in this case?
< manish7294> rcurtin: It's fine. Just ping whenever you are free :)
< manish7294> sure :)
< rcurtin> sure, I will do that
< rcurtin> or if you send an email I'll respond when I can :)
< manish7294> Yup! I will do that
< rcurtin> sorry to not be available on the spot... I am not looking forward to a day of talking to lots of people inside the company
< rcurtin> (I'd rather be getting work done! :))
< manish7294> It's cool :)
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< Atharva> zoq: I am in Berlin till 12th night
< Atharva> Will you be free tomorrow or day after tomorrow?
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< robertohueso> Jenkins tests seem to be down
< zoq> Atharva: Unfortunately, I'm out of town :( ... do you like me to recommend something?
< zoq> robertohues: It's up, but the working queue is filled up with the matrix build.
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< robertohueso> zoq: thanks! :)
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< zoq> robertohues: The style, static check is queued, but it might take some hours until we can see the results.
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< rcurtin> robertohueso: zoq: I could kill the monthly build, it is not high priority
< rcurtin> let me know if you'd like me to. I mostly just wanted to see if any tests were still randomly failing
< robertohueso> rcurtin: Don't worry I can wait or fix any mistakes later :)
< rcurtin> ok, sounds good. the monthly matrix build may take up to a handful pf days
< rcurtin> *of days
< rcurtin> the build server machine is probably very warm right now
< rcurtin> load average currently 74.23... :)
< zoq> hopefully everything passes
< ShikharJ> zoq: Hopefully the work for Layer Normalization would also be finished by tomorrow.
< rcurtin> ha
< rcurtin> "Build Queue (1,652)"
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< zoq> ShikharJ: Great :)
< zoq> rcurtin: I wonder if it's a good idea to run the PR jobs simultaneously.
< rcurtin> yeah, I wonder if there is a job priority plugin for jenkins
< rcurtin> I'm writing the file for mlpack 3.0.1 now, but once that is done I'll look into that (unless you'd like to)
< zoq> sure, let's see if there is something useful
< zoq> Priority Sorter Plugin
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< zoq> okay, let's see if that works, everything inside the PR view has the highest priority
< rcurtin> I might need to restart the monthly matrix build, but let's watch for a little longer and see if any PR jobs get done
< rcurtin> or maybe someone needs to push a PR commit so that the job gets put to the front of the list
< zoq> let's see what happens if an executor becomes free
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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#130 (LayerNorm - 4d237fc : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build has errored.
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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#131 (LayerNorm - 32f41ee : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build has errored.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#4866 (mlpack-3.0.1 - 81ad1d8 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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