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< rcurtin> that's a picture I just took... a driveshaft bearing was failing, so I took the driveshaft off and replaced the bearing
< rcurtin> and thought, hey, while I'm here, the exhaust is easy to get out and it needs to be replaced too
< rcurtin> so off came the exhaust
< rcurtin> and then I thought, hey, while I'm here, the transmission needs a little work
< rcurtin> so out it came too
< rcurtin> and then I thought, hey, while I've got that out, I could replace the oil pan gasket and the motor mounts...
< rcurtin> so it has been up on jack stands like that for a while since the weather has been bad. but I am finally getting it back together now :)
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< zoq> rcurtin: :), really like that car, 1985?
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< wenhao> Hi everyone! I didn't join the meeting yesterday because I went to Shanghai DisneyLand for the holiday. So I will introduce myself now
< wenhao> My name is Wenhao Huang. I was born in Guangzhou and currently a senior student at Peking University, Beijing.
< wenhao> I also studied at University of Melbourne and UCLA for a short period. Next semester I will pursue Master Degree in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.
< wenhao> At free time I enjoy watching movies and some American TV shows. Play badminton and table tennis, currently learning tennis. And I am a food lover
< wenhao> I am excited that I got accepted and happy to meet all of you:)
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< zoq> wenhao: I've never been in Disneyland, did you get the MagicBand?
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< wenhao> zoq: nope, we used cards but it is said that magicband will be used at shanghai disneyland soon later
< zoq> wenhao: the technique they used for the bands is kinda cool :)
< zoq> wenhao: Also, since you said you are a fan of TV shows, Silicon Valley is one that was mentioned at least twice yesterday, need to check this out.
< wenhao> Yes! I have been watching Silicon Valley it's so funny, although I haven't watched the latest season
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< rcurtin> zoq: 1988 not 1985. lots of fun to drive, but a lot of work to maintain :)
< rcurtin> many parts are still original, so there are a lot of little things that need to be replaced
< rcurtin> but the engine still turns just fine, so I think it will still go for many more miles before I need to do anything major like a rebuild of the engine or anything
< zoq> ah, if I remember right the 1988 is the last one. Really like the shape of the car, and I bet it runs for many more years ... german engineering :)
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< rcurtin> yeah, 1988 was the last year they made that body style
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