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< suraj> Hello everyone!.I'm Suraj Bhor,a BE final year student in Information Technology. I'm a machine learning enthusiast and wish to do some open source contributions.
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< alxmamaev_> Hi everyone
< zoq> alxmamaev_: Hello there.
< alxmamaev_> Mlpack will be on GSoC in this year?
< zoq> alxmamaev_: We will submit an application, but we have to wait unti google published the list of accepted organizations.
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< HeikoS> jojo
< HeikoS> rcurtin, zoq you guys around?
< zoq> HeikoS: yeah
< HeikoS> zoq: how are thing?
< HeikoS> I am thinking about submitting an mloss workshop proposal to icml
< HeikoS> thoughts? interested in helping?
< zoq> HeikoS: Good, got sick after Budapest ...
< HeikoS> flu?
< HeikoS> had the same :D
< HeikoS> but managed to recover before a climbing trip over new years ;)
< zoq> nice
< miqlas> zoq, what did you made in Budapest? (btw i got also flu in Budapest)
< miqlas> oh, ok. I got shogun working ion Haiku
< zoq> HeikoS: About the mloss workshop, sounds interesting, if you need help let me know :)
< HeikoS> shogun on haiku? :D
< HeikoS> zoq: well if you are interested, deadline is today, I am compiling list of invited speakers and PCs, and then generally need to decide on the scope
< HeikoS> lots of organizing things
< zoq> I see, let's see what Ryan thinks about it, he should be back soon.
< HeikoS> cool
< rcurtin> HeikoS: I'm here, sorry for the slow response; I would be more than happy to help organize/review/whatever
< rcurtin> as long as we can submit some of our GSoC works from mlpack too :)
< zoq> :)
< HeikoS> lol
< rcurtin> I don't *think* that should be an issue (others without conflicts of interest could review)
< HeikoS> no should be ok
< HeikoS> I am really just lookin for help in organizing this thing
< HeikoS> I have an idea for main theme and stuff
< rcurtin> I'm in, I guess zoq is too---just let me know what I can help with
< HeikoS> let me share a googledoc
< HeikoS> zoq: you have a gmail address for such things?
< rcurtin> sounds good, email to share to for me is (in case you don't already have it)
< zoq> HeikoS: should be gmail
< HeikoS> doc is mostly from 15 yet
< HeikoS> but I start editing
< HeikoS> just for you to get a feeling
< HeikoS> I will submit the proposal today/tomorrow
< HeikoS> and then we should have a meeting soon to decide
< rcurtin> sounds good, I will take a look and let you know what I think
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< zoq> same here
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