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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#3765 (master - 7ed1c22 : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< manish_> rcurtin: Today after taking an overview of Monteiro and Burer LRDSP I was going through LRDSP codebase and there I tried changing the objective function and constaints computation according to the mention Note: Tr(C^T * (R R^T)) = Tr( (CR)^T * R ) but haven't got the desired result. Can you help me out as where I am going wrong?
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< ImQ009> I investigated the issue I had the last time and yeah, it was the boost version thing
< ImQ009> I can build mlpack just fine now :)
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< kartheek> Is there any implementation of computer vision algorithms in mlpack?
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< zoq> ImQ009: Great that you figured it out.
< zoq> kartheek: mlpack implements CNN's
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< gaurav_> Hi! I'am a 3rd year undergraduate student .Being a machine learning enthusiast I found mlpack quite interesting.I would like to contribute for gsoc 2018.Presently I have built it from source and gone through some tutorials.Can anyone advice me how to proceed further for contributing to codebase ?
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< zoq> gaurav_: Hello a good starting point is, let us know if we should clarify anything.
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