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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#88 (ResizeLayer - 545ff57 : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build has errored.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#4159 (master - efd29ad : Marcus Edel): The build has errored.
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< zoq> hm, I guess we should add '--fix-missing'
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< zoq> in the best case we could tell apt-get to try again with another mirror from the pool
< zoq> okay, let's restart the build
< zoq> I guess another simple solution is to host the deb files on masterblaster or
< zoq> if the pool isn't reliable enough
< zoq> the build timeout is another issue
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#4159 (master - efd29ad : Marcus Edel): The build has errored.
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< rcurtin> zoq: correct me if I am wrong... it seems like the ppa resolution failures aren't causing the build to fail but instead the build is timing out
< zoq> right, the first time it failed because it couldn't fetch the pandas package
< rcurtin> oh, sorry, I must have looked at the wrong log... let me look again
< zoq> I restarted the build, to see if this is just temporary
< rcurtin> ah, got it, ok
< rcurtin> it looks like the trusty images take significantly longer to compile and run than the xenial images
< zoq> this are the timing from the PR
< zoq> this runs on the xenial
< zoq> image
< zoq> runtime fluctuation
< rcurtin> yeah, I see what you mean... I guess it is just random
< zoq> let's hope it is
< zoq> we have enough jobs in the queue to get some more information
< rcurtin> agreed
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< Prabhat-IIT> zoq: rcurtin: After I fetched some changes in my local repo of mlpack I'm facing a build issue "No rule to make target '../src/mlpack/core/boost_backport/collections_load_imp.hpp', needed by 'src/mlpack/cotire/mlpack_CXX_prefix.hxx.gch'" Can I get a hint what might have gone wrong?
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< rcurtin> Prabhat-IIT: that sounds like a CMake issue... try wiping out your build directory and creating a new one...
< Prabhat-IIT> rcurtin: thanks it worked :)
< rcurtin> sure, happy to help
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< travis-ci> yashsharan/models#22 (master - 22a3119 : yash sharan): The build has errored.
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< travis-ci> yashsharan/models#24 (master - f00d04c : yash sharan): The build was fixed.
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< manish7294> zoq: rcurtin: Neighbour search is only working with the 4 variants of LMetric, Whenever I am trying to use Mahalanobis or IPMetric it's giving a bunch of errors. According to error the above two are not being recognized as metrics. Is it how it supposed to be?
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< prashanthd> rcurtin while trying to build bindings for kernel pca, to test each kernels, can loop be used?
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< manish7294> prashanthd: I suppose you are referring to kernel_pca bindings test. If I got it right then you want to test a particular thing for all kernels. If that's the case then you can surely use loop for testing each kernel. But implementation might be bit off, I think array of kernel's will be key here. I would recommend testing each of them individually
< manish7294> as using loop can be somewhat cubersome.
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< rcurtin> manish7294: the BinarySpaceTree will only work with LMetric, so if you want to use a different metric you will need a different tree type
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< manish7294> I am using KDTree
< dk97[m]> rcurtin: could you please have a look at the he and lecun initialization PR?
< dk97[m]> I have added the tests
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< manish7294> rcurtin: The thing is error is also stating that Mahanalobis is not in the scope mlpack::metric
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< ank04> Hey @sumedhghaisas2,I am a final year student pursuing bachelor's in computer science.I want to participate in gsoc for variational autoencoder project.I have read both the papers provided on idea's page.I learnt that VAE is advanced version of GANs.
< ank04> I have read a couple of blogs regarding this.For deeper understanding I am watching some youtube videos.I have installed mlpack on my system and will start solving some sample programs.I want to implement VAE on my own in couple of weeks for better understanding.
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< prashanthd> @manish7294 thanks
< manish7294> rcurtin: I tried using Standard Cover Tree with expilictly including Mahanalobis metric then also I got same bunch of errors.
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< rcurtin> manish7294: I can't particularly help unless you provide me actual errors
< rcurtin> and KDTree is a typedef of BinarySpaceTree
< robertohueso> I'm currently implementing KDE, and I'm having trouble because of underflow when I sum up probabilities. I thought of using logarithms, is there any implemented function to get the logarithm of a sum? i.e. log(x_1 + x_2 + ... + x_n)
< manish7294> Sorry, I realize just after I messaged. I will be sending a link to errors
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< davidinouye> Hi, I am trying to build a Python scikit-learn wrapper for density estimation trees (DET) but using the python bindings, I cannot access the parameters of the model (i.e. split values etc.).
< manish7294> rcurtin: here is the link to errors
< zoq> robertohues: What about arma::trunc_log(arma::sum(..))
< davidinouye> Does anyone know how I might export or inspect the model in Python?
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< rcurtin> davidinouye: yeah, the bindings are built in such a way that parameters are not easily accessible. this is because of the need to provide a unified interface across languages
< rcurtin> unfortunately, if you really want to provide fine-grained access to details of the DET class, your best bet is likely to handwrite a Cython .pxd file to provide the right members that you need
< rcurtin> and then you can cast the 'output_model' result in the dict to the right class... you can take a look at the generated det.pyx file in your build directory under src/mlpack/bindings/python/mlpack/
< rcurtin> manish7294: looks like you need to specify metric::MahalanobisDistance
< rcurtin> "note: expected a type, got ‘MahalanobisDistance’"
< manish7294> rcurtin: I tried experimenting with that and the error I gave link to is after explicity including Mahalanobis metric
< manish7294> With mlpack::metric::MahalanobisDistance I got MahalanobisDistance is not defined in metric
< davidinouye> rcurtin: Okay thanks! Didn't know about the build/src/mlpack.... directory that has the generated pxd files. I'll look into that and see if I can come up with something.
< rcurtin> it's a template class so you will also have to specify the template parameter TakeRoot (or at least add '<>' to the type)
< manish7294> Yeah, done that too
< rcurtin> davidinouye: sure, let me know if I can help out more. The bindings were made in this way to reduce the necessary maintenance to keep them in sync across languages
< rcurtin> davidinouye: unfortunately, that means that, e.g., if you build a decision tree in Python you can't necessarily inspect it. so it's a little difficult to work around the problem you are having
< rcurtin> manish7294: ok, so, what was the error then? I can't help you debug unless you provide me with full details of what's going on. I am sure this should work, it looks to me like a minor issue in the code
< manish7294> rcurtin: I shall check it all over again if something is wrong from my side otherwise I will be just keeping you uneccessarily busy :)
< rcurtin> I can glance and give you advice quickly, but I need error messages to be able to do that
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< zoq> rcurtin: Just looked into the main file; the regularization is disabled:
< rcurtin> zoq: yeah, the option is commented out also
< rcurtin> years ago when I looked over Pari's implementation, it is not clear how to do the volume regularization in logspace
< rcurtin> I think there's an issue open somewhere on github for it
< zoq> I see, will see if I can find the issue and probably add it to the main file.
< rcurtin> sounds good, thanks
< manish7294> rcurtin: Thanks! By following your advice and explicitly including mahalanobis_distance.hpp I got it working. But without including mahalanobis_distance.hpp I am getting while as it is working fine for LMetric.
< rcurtin> right, mahalanobis_distance.hpp does need to be included
< rcurtin> glad to hear you got it figured out
< manish7294> Thanks again!
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< caladrius[m]> rcurtin: I should add the information related to FReLU to the mlpack-2.2.5 documentation, right?
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< rcurtin> caladrius[m]: no, because FReLU is not a part of mlpack 2.2.5
< caladrius[m]> exactly where should I put it then? I cannot figure out where the documentation of the master branch is
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< dk97[m]> zoq: rcurtin I had a question about the backward and gradient methods in ann layers.
< dk97[m]> I cannot understand what the difference between the two is.
< zoq> dk97[m]: Backward performs a backpropagation step through the layer, with respect to the given input. Gradient computes the gradient of the layer with respect to its own input.
< dk97[m]> So backward calculates the backpropogation of the error through the layer with respect to the input that was given to the layer?
< dk97[m]> I am not able to understand gradient of the layer. What is exactly meant by 'with respect to its own input.`?
< dk97[m]> zoq:
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< zoq> We could also say, with respect to the output of the forward step.
< zoq> Not not every layer implements a Gradient function, just the layer that needs to update it's own parameter.
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< dk97[m]> So, we add gradient function to those layers that have trainable parameters?
< zoq> correct
< dk97[m]> But the internal definition of both the functions looks the same to me...
< dk97[m]> The internal definition is the same then?
< zoq> If you mean the function header, yes, we just pass the layer specifc parameter.
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< dk97[m]> okay got it!
< dk97[m]> Also, I have fixed the builds of dropout layer in the PR.
< dk97[m]> Do let me know if anything else is needed.
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< dk97[m]> zoq: I have added the tests for alpha_dropout layer to the PR. :)
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< rcurtin> caladrius[m]: sorry for the slow response; I meant to put it in the comments for the class itself
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< rcurtin> robertohueso: sorry I somehow did not see your message for KDE
< rcurtin> I think you might also be able to use std::log(arma::sum()) but I am guessing you are having underflow issues in high dimensions?
< rcurtin> it might be worth working with lower dimensional data to start with (if you have not done that already)
< rcurtin> hang on sorry I am thinking of DETs. with KDE you should really only get underflow when the bandwidth is too small, although I guess it is possible in very very high dimensions