changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
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< adl1995> Hi! I wanted to know if there's a way to build on a certain test in mlpack. Currently, I give the command "make mlpack_test", following the docs. I've found commenting out the unrequired files in "mlpack/tests/CMakeLists.txt" reduces the time to build, but is still time consuming. Is there an elegant workaround for this? Thanks!
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< haritha1313> @rcurtin I was working on categorical dataset support for decision trees and have made a WIP PR for the same. But I came to notice that hoeffding trees don't accept labels from last column of dataset if it is not explicitly provided.
< haritha1313> I don't think such an easy patch needs a seperate issue. Should I just make a seperate PR for that?
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< brni> Hie, could you please tell me more about the project "Alternatives to neighborhood-based collaborative filtering". It appeared interesting but I don't have a very good understanding of recommendation systems.
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< saiprasanth> What do the parameters(-v,-M) mean in the following line?mlpack_linear_regression --training_file dataset.csv -v -M lr.xml
< saiprasanth> Where can i search answers for such questions.
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< saiprasanth> Never mind i figured it out.
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< zoq> rcurtin: Any news regarding the connection issues?
< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - git commit test build #2907: STILL FAILING in 28 sec:
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< dj> Hello there! I am trying to understand mlpacks' codebase. But i am finding it quite tough. Can you tell me best way(the sequence ) to understand codebase?
< rcurtin> zoq: I have no response from anyone, I will be calling someone today to try and figure out what is going on
< rcurtin> dj: you could try going through the various tutorials
< dj> rcurtin: Okk.
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< haritha1313> rcurtin: I was working on categorical dataset support for decision trees and have made a WIP PR for the same. But I came to notice that hoeffding trees don't accept labels from last column of dataset if it is not explicitly provided.
< haritha1313> I don't think such an easy patch needs a seperate issue. Should I just make a seperate PR for that?
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< rcurtin> haritha1313: sure, if you want to patch the hoeffding_tree program, you can go ahead and open a separate PR and I can review it when I have a chance
< rcurtin> I am hoping to respond to the other PR you opened today, but I was gone for a long weekend and have a lot to catch up on :)
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< haritha1313> rcurtin: Thanks for the response :)
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< saiprasanth> i've gone through the tutorials of mlpack. Could someone suggest a way forward
< rcurtin> saiprasanth: some ideas are on and
< rcurtin> past that, it is up to you to figure out how you want to proceed
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