changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
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< daivik> Hi everyone, I'm having some trouble building mlpack from source. The build fails with the message "/usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/mlpack_preprocess_describe.dir/preprocess_describe_main.cundefined reference to symbol '_ZNSo9_M_insertIdEERSoT_@@GLIBCXX_3.4.9' ". I was wondering if someone has already faced this issue and could help me out with resolving t
< daivik> his.
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< dungeon_master> As beginner who is wiling to contribute is it advisabe for me to download mlPack and buid it from source? Can't I just install it by `sudo apt-get install libmlpack-dev`
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< sandy> Hi everyone. I am Sanidhya and I am very much willing to learn and contribute to mlpack. I have really found it to be very interesting. I have downloaded mlpack and got myself familiarize with the library. I will be obliged if someone can help me to move forward with this.
< zoq> dungeon_master: If you like to contribute it would be advisable to build from source (you would need to open PR's and test your changes).
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< zoq> sandy: Hello there, the next step could be to go through the list of open issues and search for something that might be interesting to work on. You can also just go through the codebase and maybe you can find something that can be improved. Also, we are always open for new interesting methods.
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< dungeon_master> zoq: thanks! I'll build it from source. But as of now I've installed it by apt-get. Do you know how to uninstall it?
< zoq> dungeon_master: apt-get remove package
< dungeon_master> oh that was simple!! Sorry :P
< zoq> Here to help :)
< dungeon_master> :)
< daivik> @zoq - I asked earlier today about an issue I was (still am) facing with building mlpack from source. I've opened an issue as well (#1194). I'm getting a linking error which reads something like "error adding symbols. DSO missing from command line". Any clue on what the issue might be? I did some research and found #490 and #779 -- but those did n
< daivik> ot seem to help.
< zoq> daivik: Can you post the output of the configuration step (cmake ..)? It looks like it uses gcc instead og g++
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< daivik> -- I've uploaded the cmake output here
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< dungeon_master> zoq: shouldn't you think we should also add the unpacking step in ( as included in README of official repo
< zoq> dungeon_master: hm, that might be an option, I guess on most systems you can just double click on the archive
< dungeon_master> Yup! but still it maybe useful in many unix based systems
< zoq> daivik: The output got cut off, I'm interested in the first step (compiler selection).
< daivik> Ah, I think you're right. The CXX compiler identification is GNU 5.4.0 -- same as the C compiler identification
< daivik> -- >here's the complete output. sorry about earlier
< daivik> I guess I'll have to edit CMakeLists.txt now?
< zoq> daivik: Can you post the build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log file?
< zoq> Also do you have g++ installed?
< daivik> I do have g++ installed. Give me a minute and I'll upload the log file
< daivik> -- CMakeOutput.log ... sorry for the delay
< sandy> zoq: thanks a lot. Yeah! I am going through the list. I have found a few interesting ones on which I would like to work on. I'll post it here in case I have any issue. :)
< zoq> daivik: Thanks, can you run 'export CXX=g++' and 'export CC=gcc' before the cmake step and run again (make)?
< zoq> sandy: Sounds good.
< daivik> okay, I'll give that a try
< zoq> I'll have to step out, will be back later.
< daivik> Thanks a lot for your help!
< daivik> @zoq -- that worked beautifully. Thank you so much. I have posted the fix and closed my issue.
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< Guest72815> hello! I am reading through the GSOC project ideeas and the one about deep learning really interested me so I started reading the links there. I think the reference link for the deep learning bigraphy should be and not https://memkite.comdeep-learning-bibliography/
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< zoq> tibiL: Hello, you are right, will update the link, thanks!
< zoq> daivik: Glad it worked.
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< thedarknight> Hi, I am Sucheta. It feels good to be here. I have heard a lot about mlpack and would like to contribute! :D
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< Babe> Hi guys!
< Babe> This is so ML!!
< Babe> ML is hot
< Babe> topic these days
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< Babe> IRC full form is internet relay chat
< Babe> Can anybody hear me?
< Babe> Am I talking to myself?
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< Babe> This is a nice song <3
< Babe> Astronauts. Davayte sdelayem ml v etom
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< zoq> thedarknigh: Hello there, in case you haven't seen it: might be helpful.
< zoq> Babe: Hello :)
< Babe> Hello zoq, me find list of projects.
< Babe> Can't find anywhere :(
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< zoq> Babe: Do you mean the GSoC ideas/projects page?
< Babe> Yaasss
< Babe> Thankuuu
< Babe> Which of these projects are most dear to you?
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< Babe> Hey Sandy, how do you do?
< zoq> We don't have any priorities, you can choose the one you find the most interesting.
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< Babe> Ohh that's so sweet of you ;*
< Babe> I have one problem but :(
< Babe> I am what you peeps call, a NOOB in ML. :(
< Babe> Do I have a chance?
< zoq> Of course, everybody has to start somewhere. If you have some time it might be a good idea to get familiar with some C++ paradigms; checkout
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< tibiL> Babe: Please read the topic : We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours.
< zoq> tibiL: In case you missed my message: - wiki updated
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< tibiL> zoq: you have a problem with the page on my machine the pageing is not wright. i can solve it if you give me access :D
< zoq> tibiL: oh, we have a github repo for the page: do you think you could open a PR with the modification?
< tibiL> i have found it already:D No problem.
< zoq> great
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