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< sumedhghaisas__> zoq: Hey Marcus... So I tried different frameworks
< sumedhghaisas__> but now I know why he picked this one... so its not a classical classification task...
< sumedhghaisas__> cause the next symbol prediction probabilistic...
< sumedhghaisas__> thus... 7 separate classical classification task done in 1 network
< sumedhghaisas__> rcurtin: Hey Ryan...
< sumedhghaisas__> have some time?
< sumedhghaisas__> anyways... the test is passing now... but I did not change a lot. Don't know why it is passing now.
< sumedhghaisas__> ahh shit... I realized now.. the test was passing all along...
< sumedhghaisas__> I forgot to set the Rho for test cases
< sumedhghaisas__> I did that this time
< sumedhghaisas__> so even for smaller sequences it was detecting for unrelated random extra characters
< rcurtin> sumedhghaisas__: sorry, I am about to go to bed really early... I am traveling to Germany tomorrow for a conference so I am trying to get a head start with the jet lag :)
< rcurtin> I'll be back around 10am UTC
< rcurtin> ...if I can get up to the alarm :)
< sumedhghaisas__> haha... no problem. Will talk to you tomorrow...
< sumedhghaisas__> problem is solved ... wanted to talk know your opinion on a different architecture. Can wait...
< sumedhghaisas__> zoq, rcurtin: Shifted LSTM similarly to support variable length. And it worked in the first try... cannot believe it.
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< sgupta> rcurtin: I'm getting permission denied error while creating directories in /var/www/html. I want to put different tar balls of all Libraries and serve those files from there.
< sgupta> rcurtin: I meant from the Apache server, I want to put files and then download them inside my containers
< sgupta> rcurtin: what should I do?
< rcurtin> sgupta: have you taken a look at the permissions on the directory?
< sgupta> rcurtin: it's root
< rcurtin> root is the owner of the directory, I mean, what are the permissions on the directory? set them so that the user running the apache server (in this case www-data) can read the directory and files
< rcurtin> probably it would be better to mark /var/www/html/ as writable for user sgupta (I can add you to the www-data group so that that is possible)
< rcurtin> then avoid copying the files to /var/www/html/ as root
< rcurtin> but instead copy as sgupta, then make sure that the files are at least group-readable afterwards
< rcurtin> let me know if I can clarify anything, I can help out if you like
< sgupta> rcurtin: okay, I think I have to do a chmod -R g+r /var/www/html. Is it?
< rcurtin> well, it's a little more tricky than that for a couple reasons---
< rcurtin> for a directory to be readable, it has to have both r and x permissions
< rcurtin> and the other thing is that in this case, all of the files are owned by user root and group root
< rcurtin> so even if you give group read permissions, the user www-data (which is what apache runs as) won't be able to read the files, since it isn't a part of group 'root'
< zoq> rcurtin: When is your flight?
< rcurtin> leaves 5:30pm EDT, arrives ~8am CEST
< rcurtin> I see switzerland has a different power plug than the rest of europe, I guess I will need to buy another adapter
< rcurtin> since I don't think the adapter I have will fit in a grounded plug
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< rcurtin> but tomorrow I am in frankfurt all day before I take the train south on Sunday, so that should give sufficient time to explore and find an adapter :)
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< zoq> ah, right, I guess you just need an adapter for Type C, who needs the grounding pin anyway
< rcurtin> I have a type C adapter, but I am not sure it will fit into a type J socket
< rcurtin> the pinout is the same, I am just not sure if the geometry will work out based on pictures I've seen
< zoq> aren't you an electrical engineer? So all you need screwdriver right?
< rcurtin> :)
< rcurtin> if it got desperate I could probably make it work like that :)
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< zoq> sumedhghais: Great, I'll take a look at the updates later today. Just glanced over it, can you remove the code lines you commented?
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< kris1> Yes so we have a problem that out error rate is going down as mentioned in a example we our following but the classification accuray is very low compared what is given in the example
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< zoq> kris1: on what dataset?
< kris1> The same dataset used by the example
< kris1> it’s sklearn example i sent earlier
< kris1> The full example is in the latest commit i sent in the rbm PR
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< zoq> okay, where did you get the dataset? Because in the example they don't use the mnist dataset.
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< zoq> kris: where did you get the dataset? Because in the example they don't use the mnist dataset.
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< kris1> Well i just copied from the site_packages sklearn dataset
< kris1> and then i saved the train and test split in csv format if you want i can share it with you
< zoq> kris1: yeah that would be helpful
< kris1> zoq: i am uploading the dataset now might take around 15 min of time
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< rcurtin> sgupta: did you solve your permissions issue? let me know if you need help
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< kris1> This might be a stupid question but does anybody know if can sync the random number generator of numpy and std::random using some seed values both using merssene twister for generation of the random number is it possible at all
< zoq> kris1: In theory, it should work.
< kris1> hmmm but i was not able to find any sources on google.
< zoq> kris1: I guess, math::RandomSeed(23); and random.seed(23)
< kris1> Ohkk i will have look at that
< kris1> Were you able to look at the sklearn example
< kris1> I told you about
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< zoq> not sure numpy uses mt19937 as well
< zoq> Not completely yet, but I think Mikhail is right:
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