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< kris1> lozhnikov: hi i have updated the gan PR could you have look.
< kris1> With low no of iterations i am getting very bad results but i am. testing with high number of iterations(takes lot of time) now lets see how it performs
< kris1> zoq: if you have the time could you also have a look particularly at the evaluate function and gradient function of GAN. That would be very helpful.
< lozhnikov> kris1: what about this comment ?
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< kris1> lozhnikov i actually reset parameters first and then do generator.Parameters()
< kris1> = arma::mat()
< kris1> but it works now….
< lozhnikov> did you test that with valgrind?
< lozhnikov> I think this is incorrect since the layers still use the previous pointer
< kris1> you mean for the memory leak.
< lozhnikov> No, I mean invalid pointer
< lozhnikov> And I've got the second comment: How do you think, is it possible to move the code of Train() to the Gradient() function
< lozhnikov> ?
< kris1> Can you please elaborate. I don’t understand the comment.
< lozhnikov> the first or the second?
< kris1> second
< lozhnikov> I mean is it possible to refactor the gradient function in such a way that Train() contains only "optimizer.Optimize()"?
< kris1> for 1 i think it is to check i will the where the generator.parameters are pointing to usning memptr if it is the same as parameters.memptr() that would be sufficient i guess.
< kris1> I would have to think about the refactoring. Intially i was thinking of creating 2 seprate function trainGenerator and trainDiscriminator and then calling them from the train function. But just having optimizer.Optimize would be require some thinking. I will see.
< kris1> the result just came for 1000 iterations for gan. Will have to see where i am going wrong.
< kris1> lozhnikov could you comment on if the train and gradient function are correctly implemented.
< lozhnikov> regarding the first comment: pointers are different since you use the following:
< lozhnikov> generator.Parameters() = arma::mat(parameter.memptr().....
< lozhnikov> okay, I'll take a quick look now. I'll look through the code in detail as soon as I finish with the ssRBM
< kris1> Okay sure……….. i will check comment 1
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< lozhnikov> kris1: It seems the formulas of gradients do not match the formulas in the GAN paper
< lozhnikov> see page 4
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< kris1> how do you mean…. for the gradient calculations of discriminator i just call the discriminator.Gradient().
< kris1> for generator i am passing the error from to the genertor.error() and then i am bascically calling the generator of the generator.
< kris1> i have taken the fakeLabels to 0 and real labels to 1 btw for disriminator calculation and fakelabels = 1 for generator calculation.
< lozhnikov> okay, It seems I'have understood that. Right now I haven't got any comment except
< lozhnikov> Optimizer.MaxIterations() = numFunctions;
< lozhnikov> I think you should replace that by "Optimizer.MaxIterations() = k"
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< ironstark> rcurtin: zoq: I wanted to discuss regarding the new library we should benchmark. Can we install R and benchmark it? I think it would be good if we could have a benchmarking system that could compare the performance of R against Python. Please let me know what you think
< zoq> ironstark: We can install R, yes, however my understanding is limited, so I can't provide much help here; I think rcurtin suggested dlib-ml a while back, i guess that could also be an option. Let me know what you think. I'm sure we can find something everyone agrees on.
< ironstark> zoq: i can work on dlib-ml too but I dont have much experience in that. I can first work on dlib-ml and then R. Please let me know your thoughts on this.
< zoq> ironstark: Let's wait for rcurtin's thoughts on this. I like both ideas.
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< kris1> i fixed the reset function for the GAN and pushed the changes. Regarding the refactoring of training i am still working on it.
< kris1> lozhnikov
< kris1> thought the samples produced still are pretty random it seems. i will work on that first and then refactor the train function.
< lozhnikov> kris1: I looked through the fix. I think there is an error.
< lozhnikov> generator.Parameters() = arma::mat(parameter.memptr(),.....
< lozhnikov> discriminator.Parameters() = arma::mat(parameter.memptr(),....
< lozhnikov> The pointers should be different.
< kris1> Aaah right discriminator.Parameters() = arma::mat(parameter.memptr() + weightsGenerator(),….) thats what i meant to do .
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