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< sgupta> Hi Ryan. While building mlpack taking alpine linux as base image inside a docker container, the build fails at 57% with the following error: <dir path>/ not found
< sgupta> Should I create an issue on mlpack's github in case someone else want to have a look?
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< zoq> sgupta: Have you seen maybe it's a similar problem?
< sgupta> Let me have a look.
< sgupta> This issue went unresolved. Nonetheless, I got some insights to proceed. Thank you zoq :)
< zoq> right maybe it's still helpful :)
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< wiking> zoq, ping
< zoq> wiking: Hello, there!
< wiking> hey hey
< wiking> so
< wiking> do you need anything else from me
< wiking> for upgrading to 6.0.0?
< wiking> and when do you plan to upgrade the website :)
< wiking> i know i takes forever to run all the benchmarks
< zoq> wiking: I think I'm fine, let me update the repo and start the benchmark.
< wiking> if there's anything you need from me lemme know
< zoq> sure, thanks!
< zoq> wiking: If you mostly interested in the shogun results, we can make the results available right after the benchmark is finished.
< wiking> cool
< wiking> :)
< wiking> that'd be great
mikeling|brb is now known as mikeling
< rcurtin> sgupta1: I wonder if you might have to install bash and set the default shell to bash
< rcurtin> a thing to keep in mind is that you can start the container at the step before the build failed, then manually try to run the next build step, so this might help in debugging
< sgupta1> I'm doing this only for the whole time. And to write docker file, I just see the container logs
< sgupta1> Will try the bash thing
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2481 (master - 400abaa : Marcus Edel): The build was broken.
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< rcurtin> sgupta: let me know if you keep having trouble, I can take a look at the build logs and try to help
< sgupta> Rcurtin: sure
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< zoq> Maybe we should slightly increase the iterations for the svd batch test?
< rcurtin> yes, I think that the change I made to that test needs to be at least partially reverted
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< rcurtin> zoq: only two weeks left to wait for that mlpack benchmark to finish... :)
< rcurtin> or should that be :(...