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< kris1> zoq: Can you explain the concat layer to me. I do not understand how it is working the constructor require we give it a model.
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< kris1> I think i got it
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< zoq> kris1: The model parameter is used to decide to expose the layer of the concat layer or not. If true the parameter initializationa and Gradient calculation is handled by the wrapping class e.g. FFN if model is false, it's handeld by whoever the layer is used.
< zoq> kris1: In most cases you set model = true.
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< lozhnikov> kris2: I added some comments here
< kris2> lozhnikov: I responded to you comments please have a look
< lozhnikov> kris2: I replied
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< rcurtin> I see went down, looking into it now...
< rcurtin> might have to do with the shogun benchmark, not sure yet
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< zoq> rcurtin: hm, it looks like every method timed out
< zoq> but now it looks good
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< kris1_> Something very strange is happending LayerTypes linear = new Linear<>(5,5) and i do linear.Parameters this gives a error saying no member named parameter but while using the Linear<> linear ForwardVisitor dosen’t work.
< kris1_> I was trying to add concat layer to the network that would concat linear and sigmoid layer. But before adding a layer to the concat network i think we need to do reset the parameters. Since concat layer dosen’t have a reset function.
< zoq> But the concat layer implements the Model() function which holds the linear and sigmoid layer, so if you use the ResetVisitor it will not only test if layer x implements the Reset() function but also the Model() function and calls the Reset function respectively for every layer in Model() -> list.
< zoq> Linear<> linear(5, 5);
< zoq> linear.Parameters();
< zoq> works for me, I'm not sure I get the issue with ForwardVisitor
< kris1_> zoq: Which file where you including for the linear layer layertypes.hpp or linear.hpp
< zoq> layer.hpp
< zoq> and also ffn.hpp which includes layer_types.hpp
< rcurtin> um, what the hell? I rebooted gekko via the integrated management, and it... it appears to be running Windows Server 2008
< rcurtin> I've sent an email to the people who maintain that server room, I'm interested to see what their response is
< rcurtin> I wonder if they accidentally reimaged or something? that would be kind of ridiculous
< rcurtin> hopefully they aren't currently installing windows on all the other systems too ...
< zoq> ... hopefully not
< zoq> on the other side, nice to have a windows machine :)
< rcurtin> ha
< zoq> but windows server is pretty old
< zoq> windows server 2008
< rcurtin> yeah, I am really confused about this one
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< kris1_> i am ont able to figure it out
< kris1_> never mind i figured it out was missing a header file
< zoq> kris1_: layer.hpp?
< kris1_> Yes
< zoq> ah okay, great that you figured it out
< zoq> kris1_: What time is it where you are? ... isn't it super late?
< kris1_> Yes it around 4:00 am
< zoq> oh, I would say that's late ...
< zoq> and when do you wake up? I guess you are about to get some sleep in the next hours :)
< kris1_> Yes i have to wake at around 9 ish
< kris1_> or sometimes even 10
< zoq> that's in about 6 hours, probably time to get some sleep :)
< kris1_> Yup……….:)
< kris1_> zoq: can you help with this if i am declaring concat like this LayerTypes concat = new Concat<> (); then when i use concat.Add(linear); it gives a error saying no member named add
< kris1_> And when i do Concat<> concat; error: no member named 'apply_visitor' in 'mlpack::ann::Concat<arma::Mat<double>, arma::Mat<double> >'
< kris1_> any ideas !!!
< zoq> let's see
< zoq> yeah, so if you use LayerTypes as type you have to use the visitor class, if you don't you can do:
< zoq> Linear<> linear(5, 5);
< zoq> Concat<>* concat = new Concat<>();
< zoq> concat->Add<>(linear);
< zoq> or
< zoq> Concat<> concat;
< zoq> concat.Add<Linear<> >(5, 5);
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< kris1> “LayerTypes as type you have to use the visitor class “can you explain this. Is there any visitor class for adding LayerTypes
< kris1> to the concat layer
< zoq> There is no visitor to add a layer, I'm not sure there is any need, since the user defines the model and can just use the layer type instead of LayerTypes.
< zoq> where layer type is e.g. Linear
< zoq> If you know the exact type of your model (static), you don't have to use any visitor at all.
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