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< zoq> kris1_: Sounds like Mikhail fixed the problems :)
< kris1_> Yes i was talking to him…..he said he would comment in an hour
< kris1_> Curious to know what was going wrong
< kris1_> Ohh i just got the mail
< kris1_> I will have a look now
< zoq> Haven't looked at the patch yet, but setting cumgradient to zero sounds like a issue. Also really hard to find since you don't end up with an error.
< zoq> So, nice catch!
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< lozhnikov> zoq: That was not the main issue, the sign of the gradient was invalid.
< zoq> lozhnikov: ah, easy to miss, for me it's often helpful to sit down and do the calculation manually.
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< zoq> rcurtin: The mail setup for the models repo should be ready right? Not sure I just missed the last mail somehow.
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< rcurtin> zoq: hmm, let me check when I get home
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< kris1> How can i get the full mnist dataset for reading with armadillo
< kris1> Is there a full mnist dataset.arm available
< lozhnikov> If I am not mistaken armadillo supports csv
< kris1> hmmm yes it does but i think the arm would be comprssed or something
< kris1> i will download the csv and try them
< kris1> then
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< kris1> So i tested out rbm implementation with thyroid dataset
< kris1> i tested classification acurracy with ffn
< kris1> i am getting aroung 93%
< kris1> and with ffn we are getting aroung 94%
< kris1> the dimension of the dataset with rbm representation is around 10.
< zoq> I would recommend to test another dataset the thyroid is unbalanced, so 93/94% isn't that good. Do you have results for the mnist dataset?
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< kris1> Well i am sorry the represtation was still 21 but the accuraccy was 93 %
< kris1> i am write now working to get the accuray for the 18 case
< kris1> for mnist we got really bad samples the reason for this is that there are only 250 data points which are very less for any deep learning system
< kris1> i tried with whole mnist dataset but it would takes a lot of time. reported 122.466 minutes on a Intel Xeon E5430 @ 2.66GHz CPU
< zoq> I guess, you are talking about the mnist subset, since the complete dataset has about 60000 training samples.
< kris1> yes the dataset provied in the mlpack data folder
< zoq> you could create a new subset from the complete mnist dataset
< kris1> Well we don’t exactly now how many examples we would need it has to be hit and trial.
< kris1> But aroung 20k would give a reasonable result i think