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<Wizzup> freemangordon: sorry, work got in the way
<Wizzup> I think I was looking at the osso-games-startup repo
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<dsc_> freemangordon: so regarding the avatar
<dsc_> < freemangordon> dsc_: you don't need osso_abook_contact_get_avatar() as it requires master contact
<dsc_> ok, what to use? :P
<dsc_> so in this case I *do* use `osso_abook_contact_get_value` ?
<freemangordon> no, sec
<freemangordon> OssoABookContact is also OssoABookAvatar
<freemangordon> so you just do osso_abook_avatar_get_image_XXX(OSSO_ABOOK_AVATAR(contact))
<freemangordon> where contact is roster contact
<freemangordon> where osso_abook_avatar_get_image_XXX is a function of your choice from
<dsc_> oh, right
<dsc_> cool
<freemangordon> plese, think of it as C++ classes
<freemangordon> so, you have (multiple)inheritance and sub-classing and virtual functions and interfaces
<freemangordon> etc
<freemangordon> after all c++ class is a structure
<freemangordon> OSSO_ABOOK_AVATAR() is just a macro that do casting
<dsc_> yes
<freemangordon> well if diagnostic messages are turned on (which usually are), it also performs run-time check if the provided class can be casted
<freemangordon> but that's detail
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<arno11> Wizzup: hi, modem drops are more and more problematic on my device: now when the modem disappears i got fast battery drain
<arno11> modem drops appeared really recently on my n900 btw
<arno11> seems only happening when i use 3G/3.5G
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<sicelo> mmm, I've never seen the modem disappear
<sicelo> you're sure your device isn't getting 'sick'? I.e. modem about to die? it's a common N900 issue
<sicelo> Maybe run Fremantle for a couple of days and see if modem is stable there
<sicelo> or, check if dmesg has something about the modem disappearance
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<arno11> sicelo: symptoms are quite similar to droid 4, the modem sometimes stops working but network icons are still ok
<arno11> if i remove nokia modem, battery draining stops
<arno11> but impossible to modprobe it
<arno11> until reboot
<arno11> and there is no particular error msg
<arno11> and that s totally random
<sicelo> nothing in dmesg?
<arno11> atm not. let s see during next drop
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<freemangordon> arno11: you may install connui-cellular libbs from -experimental, could help with showing the correct status
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<arno11> freemangordon: ok thx
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