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<tmlind> freemangordon: ok nice to hear you got it working
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<freemangordon> tmlind: nut I get "gsmtty gsmtty4: tty_hangup: tty->count(1) != (#fd's(0) + #kopen's(0))" when closing the port, so more things to fix in n_gsm
<freemangordon> n_gsm is doing hangup on close, not sure that's proper
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<dsc__> ok I figured out the xcb communication stuff
<dsc__> should be smooth sailing from here
<Wizzup> sweet!
<dsc__> :)
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<dsc__> uvos: hi
<dsc__> this works with HTML input elements, right?
<dsc__> ah no, it doesnt probably
<dsc__> its just for the urlbar
<Wizzup> that filter only checks for the slider state
<Wizzup> and qtwebbrowser works on html input
<Wizzup> at least the google input element for example
<Wizzup> also for maedevu pkgweb
<tmlind> freemangordon: did not see that earlier, maybe it's a regression
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<freemangordon> tmlind: this is when serdev is used
<freemangordon> also, seems Johan knows something about that, see his reply to Pavel from back then
<freemangordon> is your mail from 2020 still valid?
<freemangordon> BTW, if you have 6.12 booting on d4, please give a link to the repo
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<mkf> i can't boot leste on n900 without sdcard, can i?
<sicelo> you can, but not something any of us has invested time in ... not really worth it. the emmc will be magnitudes slow than an SD card
<mkf> wait what
<mkf> that's crazy. why one should use emmc then?
<sicelo> rephrae the question ...
<sicelo> *rephrase
<mkf> i mean what's the point of emmc then?
<mkf> we can just like always use sdcards, right?
<sicelo> it was fast enough for its time ...
<sicelo> and of course, you can still store your music on it ;-)
<sicelo> you can run leste on it if you absolutely have to, e.g. if you magically broke your SD slot/tray
<mkf> i see, is there a limit on sdcard size and speed?
<sicelo> i recall some have used 256GB cards with success
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<arno11> 512GB works as well iirc
<arno11> mkf: btw for speed, the limit is n900 max sd bus speed anyway
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<mkf> arno: how much is that approxmitally?
<arno11> 17-20MB/s read and 7-10MB/s write
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<arno11> with a good U3 it is easy to hit the limit with big files. that's another story for small ones
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