uvos: can you look at the trojita stuff?
another problem is outdated QtWebKit, debian doesn't consider this as a problem but it's security hole - https://github.com/movableink/webkit
le0nklcpp: re: search dialog, is this an alternative to #3 ?
yes, and instead of replacing old functional, it's a new panel menu option
or actually re-enabled old option
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Wizzup_: btw which repo has that updated leste-n900 config?
also, do we have cmtspeech packaged with arno's changes yet?
sicelo: maemo-leste/leste-config
sicelo: yes
I don't know if it is the latest changes
I think it is packaged, I'd have to double check
Wizzup_: i recommand to add new changes from email before packaging libcmtspeechdata
previous changes are in calls-test-2 branch
on Trojita: qtwebkit is outdated everywhere, solutions https://invent.kde.org/pim/trojita/-/merge_requests/1 or find a way to wrap a new WebKit(maybe in pair with movableink's repo, it seems to be only 5 months old), do we need this client at all?
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ah i see there's other chimaera repos. will add
sicelo: hi, did you test ucm ?
I wanted to, but then didn't figure out which repo has it
now that I've found it, will test .. this evening
ok cool
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Wizzup_: le0nklcpp: i made the conscious dessision to withdraw trojia from leste with the chimera switch due to webkit being unmaintined and modest (altho this has the same issue) improveing (esp by way of https://github.com/maemo-leste/libhildonmime/pull/4), the linked pr is interesting, but i dont see myself reinstateing trojita until this is merged and its issues are solved.
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okay, makes sense
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arno11: i have tested the HiFi profile now. works nicely and even nicer that you got the jack detection too!
the volume levels sound really low though. or is it just me?
sicelo: maybe volume up/down now works too?
didn't work, but moving the slider did adjust it in pa
or maybe I'm missing some package for the volume buttons?
sicelo: the volume needs to be adjusted in pavucontrol
and yes the volume btns are still not working
any idea why the volume is 100, but sounds very low in my case?
that's weird and i don't know why
it's loud for you?
yes because i've modified volume in pavucontrol
and now it's ok
i am using pavucontrol too, but at 100% it really sounds low
and if you use pcm volume in alsamixer ?
yes that's what i am on now ... at 100%, alsamixer shows 44
and i suppose volume is higher if you increase pcm volume ?
the levels were taken from fremantle?
no because most mixers are disabled in fremantle
i took level from leste asound.state and disable few problematic mixers
i don't really understand why pcm stays at 44
nice work though :-)
did you set the right PlaybackPCM ?
we'll refine as time goes
(it looks ok but I am no UCM expert)
sicelo: thx :)
Wizzup: maybe we can try to change playbackVolume value to master volume ?
instead of pcm
yeah, not sure exactly
I think you can also give the volume a level
let me try, back in 5 min
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one thing we also need to ensure is that this doesn't break fm tx ...
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not an immediate concern since i believe the module is still not enabled... but yes, a mistake in mixer setting can cause fm tx to not work at all
if anything I think we could make a use case for fm tx here
or something
ok, got my n900
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using master instead of pcm doesn't work and whatever i do with mixers, pcm is locked at 44 per default
did you remove your asound.state?
I don't think we need it anymore with UCM
oh not sure
it's probably not related since that is only on boot, but still
i still have it but no inpact (pcm is set to 116)
I'm upgrading my n900 atm to latest packages
sicelo: do you know what kind of mixers could make troubles with fmtx ?
sicelo: btw I think uvos enabled it
on last kernel build
we'd have to test again, but mostly related to headphone... the fmtx chip is connected to hp lines
oh, let me check
ah yes. i see the modules
cool :)
sicelo: if alsactl monitor is detecting something when you enable fmtx, it should be easy to make a specific use case, no ?
will test
I'm not sure it will show up in alsactl monitor though, but it might ...
yes doesn't show up
ah right\
ok and is there any issue with mixers ?
good q
* Wizzup_
needs to sleep
exciting progress man :)
not sure i understand the question ...
seems fmtx not working .. will try to test properly tomorrow (also sleepy now)
anyway, getting voicecalls integrated ootb is higher priority than fmtx imo
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