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<mighty> hi, just build lib\
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<mighty> libglvnd and mesa-amber, but they do not seem to be applied, ie my device still uses mainline mesa
<mighty> i tried putting the flags __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=amber and mesa_loader_driver_override=pvr but no dice
<mighty> samsung-espresso7:~$ __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=amber MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=pvr kmscube
<mighty> did not find extension DRI_Mesa version 1
<mighty> failed to bind extensions
<mighty> failed to initialize
<mighty> failed to initialize EGL
<mighty> i just rebased maemo's mesa on amber, do i also need to change mainline mesa to amber with its binaries?
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<uvos> im not quite sure how to select the right gl implementation with vnd __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME is likely wrong
<uvos> since your interested in egl
<uvos> try setting __EGL_VENDOR_LIBRARY_FILENAMES or just uninstalling regular mesa
<uvos> alos check egl_vendor.d and see if both implementations are present
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<mighty> uvos: you mean __EGL_VENDOR_LIBRARY_FILENAMES=amber kmscube, same results
<uvos> it seams really unlikely that the LIBRARY_FILENAME is simply "amber"
<uvos> check egl_vendor.d
<mighty> uvos: cant seem to find it, is it some nvidia specifc thing?
<uvos> no its part of glnvd
<uvos> glnvd is ofc required
<mighty> it isnt packaged by me it seems, my libglvnd has https://paste.debian.net/1281683/
<uvos> the config file itself should be created by mesa, glnvd uses it to decide what to choose
<uvos> should be in usr/share or maybe etc or both
<mighty> i cant seem to find it anywhere
<mighty> sudo find -name *egl_vendor* is blank :P
<uvos> on leste its /usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d
<uvos> i cant tell you anythin on how alpine chooses to package things
<mighty> its most likely not packaged at all since even arch doesnt have it https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/libglvnd/
<uvos> the config file (and this the dir) is create by glvnd gl _implementations_
<uvos> not the the lib itslef
<uvos> on leste its part of the mesa package
<uvos> pacman -Qo /usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/50_mesa.json
<uvos> /usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/50_mesa.json is owned by mesa 23.1.0-1
<uvos> arch absolutly ofc has it too
<uvos> it _must_
<uvos> unless you dont use glvnd at all you need this
<mighty> alpine probably doesnt use glvnd at all
<uvos> if glvnd is not in use you must have your amber based mesa replace stock mesa
<uvos> instead of installing beside it
<mighty> it does replace mesa-gles mesa-egl and mesa-gl (https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=*mesa*&branch=v3.18&repo=&arch=armv7&maintainer=)
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<boobay> hey guys! my droid 4 won't boot for some reason after getting wifi to work. any suggestions?
<dsc_> boobay: try holding the power button for 10 sec
<dsc_> if I remember correctly..
<boobay> thx, but it doesn't help
<dsc_> it could also be powerbutton + volume down button
<dsc_> but maybe I am misremembering things...
<dsc_> probably.
<boobay> it's 1 sec vol down + pwr for fastboot and 10 secs pwr for power off. but it doesn't work(((
<boobay> might go around my block in search of a screwdriver that fits
<dsc_> so you got wifi to work and then the device just went black?
<boobay> i don't really know.. i left it in perfectly working condition on the table, returned the next day, rebooted it a few times and now it's stuck
<boobay> correlation with wifi fix is really loose
<dsc_> ok :)
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<uvos__> what do you mean "wont boot"
<uvos__> please describe further
<boobay> it shows green light when i plug the cable. besides that it doesn't respond to anything
<uvos__> its simply empty
<uvos__> this means its below the trickle charge voltage
<uvos__> it wont boot in this state
<uvos__> you need to let it trickle charge for a long time
<uvos__> or charge the battery externally
<boobay> oof... 24h should be enough?
<uvos__> couple of h should be enough
<uvos__> you might end up in a motorla logo boot cycle
<dsc_> can you get into kexecboot menu?
<dsc_> guess not :P
<uvos__> that means your battery is simply to weak to work without you will need to charging externally and realistcly replace the battery as this means its really degraded
<boobay> thx. should i control the battery level in cron so it doesn't happen again?
<uvos__> we control the batttery level just fine
<uvos__> it must have hanged in some state or your battery is really degraded
<uvos__> this assumes force reset dosent do anything
<uvos__> (power + vol-down for 10 sec while not on charger)
<boobay> yep, this is exactly the case. i suspect the battery, this phone has seen a lot
<uvos__> also make sure the screw terminals are on tight
<uvos__> i have had those back out
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<boobay> they're fine. just wondering what motivates you to help me this extensively? :)
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