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<Wizzup> le0nklcpp - pinch to zoom works
<Wizzup> I might recommend hiding some of the UI elements though, like the tabs and other things, but that's for later :)
<Wizzup> tested on droid 4
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<norayr> freemangordon: i still think i just didn't install something which would cause my d4 to vibrate. i am sure nothing is broken, because it was working before my sdcard failed.
<norayr> i think i miss some package.
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<uvos> norayr: really only the kernel, mce and hh are involved in vibration
<uvos> none of those can not be installed without more serious side effects
<uvos> besides something being missing in the image is a bug in and of itself
<uvos> vibration only dosent work via xdg desktop notifications right?
<uvos> ie sphone can vibrate fine
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<le0nklcpp> Wizzup_: thanks, tabbar is the only thing that can't be turned off in settings :)
<Wizzup> le0nklcpp: right
<Wizzup> ah, I see
<Wizzup> I think we'd ultimately just want a window instead of a tab, not sure
<maxwelld> yes email vibrates.
<uvos> for ff i hide the tab bar using some custom css, i think falkon uses qwidgets not browser rendered html for the ui elemetns, right?
<le0nklcpp> right, hiding tabs will require some code
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<tmlind> heh soo.. looks like i was trying to debug i2c device with wrong id.. the tc358765 is on i2c1 at 0xf and not at 0x50.. 0x50 is some eeprom
<tmlind> i can now read and write tc358765 regs with i2c-tools, the problem of mipi commands not making is still exists
<tmlind> control over dsi won't do anything, need to still debug that at lease
<tmlind> at least
* Wizzup gets excited thinking about mapphone tablets every time
<tmlind> heh yeah i too have been waiting for years now :)
<tmlind> for reference, here are the i2c commands to read and write tc358765 regs
<tmlind> at least gpio_45 must be high to read and write to tc358765 over i2c, probably gpio_101 too
<tmlind> read tc358765 id register
<tmlind> i2ctransfer -y -f 0 w2@0x0f 0x05 0x80 r4
<tmlind> write to tc358765 sysrst register without resetting i2c
<tmlind> i2ctransfer -y -f 0 w6@0x0f 0x05 0x04 0x1e 0x00 0x00 0x00
<tmlind> eeprom at 0x50, gpio_40 must be high all the time for eeprom write protect to avoid trashing it, otherwise no lcd for android either
<tmlind> also gpio_46 must be high to read eeprom
<tmlind> no idea what's in the eeprom and why the lcd would depend on it
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<Wizzup> maybe some timing data
<Wizzup> (for the display)
<tmlind> yeah could be the clock is wrong
<tmlind> anyways, i can now properly verify if and when the mipi dsi write to the registers does something
<Wizzup> great :)
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<arno11> Wizzup: sicelo: hi guys, few lines need to be modified in ucm to avoid noise in headphone. I'll send you an email soon.
<Wizzup> great, ty
<sicelo> arno11: thank you :-)
<arno11> no probs :)
<sicelo> Wizzup, tmlind, freemangordon, any suggestions for where one could start chasing kernel issue leading to the output at https://paste.debian.net/1283753/ ?
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<Wizzup> sicelo: this is not an answer, but any idea what you were doing while this occurred?
<Wizzup> and which kernel / device?
<sicelo> it happens intermittently, at boot. I'm currently on 6.3.5, Nokia N900
<Wizzup> is this with off mode on?
<Wizzup> as in, is this with patches?
<sicelo> vanilla, unmodified kernel
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> so I don't know how to fix it, but I've ran into it plenty too
<Wizzup> this is traced back all the way to when they enabled off mode by default
<Wizzup> happens randomly on boot, and then it doesn't anymore since it never hits off (at least in leste), so the instability is gone there
<sicelo> mmm, in my case, it completely hangs the kernel. can't do anything further
<Wizzup> yeah same
<sicelo> Wizzup: can you recall if you tried this patch and if so, what results you got? https://lore.kernel.org/all/Yb2O%2Fm4wMYdMgZbh@atomide.com/
<sicelo> i'll try it though ... it's a pity that the issue is somewhat intermittent
<Wizzup> sicelo: I think it wasn't related, will try to recall
<uvos> i would add printks before and after entering off and see if it is unbalanced when the hang happens
<uvos> if it really hangs in off mode it might be pretty hard to debug without jtag
<uvos> but maybe tmlind has ideas
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<freemangordon> sicelo: does it happen with omap_ssi disabled?
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<freemangordon> also, why we have ssi_exit() called at all?
<sicelo> i haven't checked ... but i think the omap_ssi issue is different. it happened much later, when i was plying with modprobe -r on nokia-modem
<freemangordon> oh, right
<freemangordon> dunno, maybe post to the ML
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