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Wizzup: yeah i get that sometimes too
Wizzup: also i have a contract wth 2 sim cards that cant be used at the same time, if i use one sim with the d4 and recive a sms or a call the operator will claim the sim in the d4 is in use thus blocking the other sim untill som really long timeout expires (hours) even if i turn the d4 off after
so somehow the modem isent acknowledging messages by the operator it dose recive sometimes
i have no idea how this is happening or how running mainline vs android (where this dosent happen) could even cause the modem to behave differently
makes no sense to me
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yeah i've been seeing the same on leste since the beginning
sometimes sms messages just arrive 10-20 times on leste
if i reboot between the times, -sometimes- it seems to 'wisen up' and actually report the msg as received to telco
but, -usually- its just 1 reception of sms
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uvos: yeah but I thought we had it fixed
arno11: happy to wait a bit
arno11: for echo / noise cancel we'll need pa I think?
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Wizzup: yeah PA is doing the job during calls -in cost of latency-
the noise i was talking about previously is only using headset/headphone -hifi or voicecall mode-
so not directly related to calls and only due to bad mixer values
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* Wizzup
dist-upgraded his bionic (last holdout)
used the process to see if I can document it properly
(for news post)
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