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norayr: please check if vibration is enabled in the profile, if it is, then I'll make a uSD card here with latest image to check what happens
freemzngordon, it is selected in profile. but i think before flashing new image, maybe u can check which version of libnotify-bin is on your device, if vibration works there, and we can compare package versions?
it shows me maemo notification, very cool, but does not vibrate now.
folks, as a side note, a couple of days ago, i was at cafeteria, met old friends and they are ios users. they saw my d4 since well, thats what i use, and first were very impressed with the device itself. i explained them they cannot use it today, small screen for instance, they are not used to. but then they saw maemo hildon interface and were ready to go buy such a device. i never realized that hild
on animations are so impressive for ios users. and on d4 it works so well.
so minimizing the app, for instance, or going to menu and back.
apparently it looks incredible to some people who never knew maemo.
then i showed them device with bigger screen, pinephone, which is produced today. and explained them it is much more powerful device, i run firefox on it, but they also noticed how bad animations perform on it. (well i remember when it was much worse).
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