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<f_> Right so apart from the new "BL2 Aarch32" banner there doesn't seem(?) to be major changes in aquaman's BL2
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<hexdump0815> f_: sadly no time at all right now to look deeper into that secure book s905x2 box - i just wanted to mention that there are others too :)
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<f_> hexdump0815: no worries, and thanks :)
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<f_> (resending) hexdump0815: no worries, and thanks :)
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<f_> I want to document most of how secureboot works
<f_> At least on gxl.. not sure how different it is between gxl and s905x2 though, last time I checked I saw the auth_image() function is largely identical between them
<hexdump0815> f_: if you have a deeper interest in this topic i might send you the box (iirc you were from germany - right?)
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<f_> hexdump0815: I'll consider, thanks :)
<f_> but like I said, not sure how much S905X2's bootROM differs from gxl, secureboot-wise
<f_> the function in the bootROM responsible for BL2 decryption and auth, looks largely copy-pasted from gxl, when I checked S905D2's bootROM
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