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adeepn: oh, thank you :)
All this on the TV Stick wouldn't be possible without Frédéric's amazing work finding the USB vuln in the first place :)
And me reversing BL2 and getting it booting on both gxbb and gxl SoCs wouldn't be possible without the kind people that sent me boards to play with
Thank you all <3
(and yes, I still want to get it booting on g12b/sm1!)
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so now you can retrieve the keys on many amlogic boards and.. basically become the manufacturer?
Daanct12: not exactly
Usually there's still RSA on the way
so how do you even sideload the image
you use the usbdl vulnerability
if you didn't exactly get the key
Thanks to that vuln you can basically bypass all checks (yes, including @AML header checks) and jump directly to the payload
ok, to summarise:
aaaaah, so basically it's like the nintendo switch?
like.. you can only bypass the bootrom's signature check
this means I can load unsigned code via USB and bypass verification checks
*however* this is not enough to bypass verification checks when booting from eMMC
Thanks to secureboot (heh) everything fw-related on the eMMC is stored encrypted. However, thanks to that vuln I can simply write a payload that dumps the AES key and IV from the OTP
and I did. I got the AES key xiaomi uses on their sticks
understood, basically it's the same way how the nintendo switch bootrom exploit works
However, an AES key is not enough for the bootROM to load whatever you want from eMMC, as the BL2 is signed with RSA
what level of RSA are we talking about
I think xiaomi used rsa-1024
According to the @KEY headers I found in my decrypted BL2 dump
and also according to the UART:
aml log : R1024 check pass!
is RSA-1024 cracked yet
i looked around but it's all mixed
and tbh I don't care all that much
some say it is, some say it isn't, and microsoft dropped rsa-1024 support a year ago