chewitt I managed to get gxl support and support for u-boot.bin with @AML header working.
So theoretically it should be possible to run acsbaby on e.g. /dev/mmcblk1boot0
when I push my changes that is :)
well, awesome, now I can dump acs from /dev/mmcblk0
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chewitt, I think postmarketOS won't yet switch to u-boot spl (at least not by default). Currently we use amlogic-boot-fip, but it would be really cool to build bl21 and bl301 from source instead
But the board-specific sources are so spread out everywhere....
So I'm considering extracting bl21/bl301/acs build systems, so they can be built with less hassle
With u-boot-spl surely we won't need bl21 nor acs, but bl30+bl301 is still a requirement
Surely it shouldn't be too hard to extract them to a standalone package