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hello I'm looking at an SPL binary dumped from a AM335x SoC and I don't understand the Primary Protected Application (PPA) part: the register mappings are strange, for instance the watchdogs are at 0xAF333000 and 0xAF335000 whereas the datasheet says they're at 0x44e35000 and 0x44e36000 (even the offset between them is different)
from ISW onward the mappings are as expected, is there an (undocumented?) MMU for PPA?
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das: it's not a 64bit soc is it?
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f_: it's a 32-bit Cortex-A8
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Ah. Ok
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das: i think you're at the wrong place? AM335x isn't amlogic?
does not look like Amlogic to me either
Are you perhaps looking for #linux-ti?
yup my bad sorry
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