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<f_> Okay. I went back to my bootROM decomp stuff and trying to see if I can make sense out of that "FEAT:....." thing in the UART logs
<f_> I think we have a way of telling if secureboot is enabled without even testing anything!
<f_> Obviously the meaning of that FEAT: thing is not mentioned anywhere in the S905X DS.. but we still have some clues in BL2 and the S905 gpl old bl2 source code
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<f_> <...>
<f_> Authentication key not yet programmed
<f_> <...>
<f_> I wonder what that "Authentication key" actually
<f_> I saw this on lepotato and didn't put much thought into it, but now that I also see it on a device I know is secureboot-enabled .. now I'm curious.
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<f_> Now I have some ideas for breaking secureboot.
<f_> In the bootROM dump I found the function responsible for image decryption.. Assuming the TV Stick is vulnerable to amlogic-usbdl, one could run bootROM functions.. so one could try to read the BL2, then decrypt it, and finally dump it to UART!
<f_> Another thing I found: the auth_image function in S905D2 and in S905X are almost the same as well
<f_> 🙃
<lvrp16> o.0
<lvrp16> I think they patched the newer chips last time I spoke to them
<f_> lvrp16: What do you mean by the newer chips?
<f_> You mean some GXL's don't have the bug?
<f_> As I understand it, lepotato's S905X and MiTV Stick's S805Y bootROM are identical
<f_> Let's note that this USB vuln can be mitigated by uhh... password-protecting USB mode
<f_> Though something puzzling.. the blogpost only mentions S905D3, the CVE only mentions Google CCwGTV, google's android security bulletin thing is very vague..
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